Software Setup
5.4.1 Site Specific Informaion
Before using the software it is necessary to finalise the site-specific settings this
is most easily achieved by using “Windows Explorer” and locating the “Multi
485” directory on the hard drive.
The “Multi 485” directory created is made up of a program executable
<Multi485.exe> file and 3 sub-directories each containing a system
configuration file. The “Multi 485” directory structure is shown below:-
5.4.2 Code Sub-directory
The “Code” sub-directory is where the Code file should reside. Note: a separate
code file is required for each dryer or software version.
Pneudri Electronic version 3.3 dryer require the DHPNDRL1V3_3.cod file.
Pneudri Electronic version 3.5 dryers require the DHPNDRL1V3_5.cod file.
MXA dryers will require the R1DHPNEU_V01.cod file. These are present on the
disk supplied. These files must be manually copied into the Code sub-directory
on the hard drive. This file describes the DDE text strings, which should be
entered to obtain particular items of information from a node.
5.4.3 Node Sub-directory
The “Node” sub-directory is where the Node file should reside. Note: a separate
node file is required for each dryer / software version. Software version 3.3
dryers require the DHPNDRL1V3.3nod file. Software version 3.5 dryers require
the DHPNDRL1V3_5.nod file. MXA dryers require the R1DHPNEU_V01.nod
file. These are present on the disk supplied. This file must be manually copied
in to the Node sub-directory on the hard drive.
This file describes the DDE text strings, which should be entered to obtain
particular items of information from a node.