Parker EME
Notes on the Documents Supplied
192-120102 N16 December 2010
The present manual contains the installation instructions for the associated
Compax3 device series
(see on page 7).
This installation manual does contain only the basic information; for more
detailed information please refer to the Help-files of the individual Compax3
device types.
Compax3 - DVD
The enclosed self-starting* DVD contains the “C3 ServoManager” software tool for
configuring, optimizing etc. Compax3.
Please use always the latest C3 ServoManager version,
Furthermore, the "Parker Integrated Engineering Tool", a software tool for the
project management of several Parker Motion Control products, can be found on
the C3 DVD.
Several axes are managed in a common project. The Compax3 ServoManager is
integrated per "Plug & Play" for each Compax3 axis. The configuration,
optimization,.. take place in the same way as in an independently working C3
The "C3 ServoManager" software tool is also functioning independently from
the Parker Integrated Engineering Tool!
After the installation of the ServoManager you can copy the desired Online help
system with the "C3 ServoManager Help Installer" (you can select the C3 device
type as well as the desired language) to your PC. The help system can be called
up directly from the ServoManager. You will find the complete description of the
selected device type in these online help files.
Please note that the help files are associated with defined device and software
The catalogs supplied provide an overview of and information on the Compax3
device series.
For reading PDF files you need the "Adobe Acrobat Reader", a software tool which
is available free of charge. It is distributed and generally accepted throughout the
world. You can also download it directly from the Adobe website.
* If your PC has not been set up accordingly, start the "start.htm" file on the CD.
1. Notes on the Documents
Compax3 -
Installation manual
C3 ServoManager
Parker Integrated
Engineering Tool
Online help system
Adobe Acrobat