After the nozzle placement has been determined, a scaled drawing will be made with dimensions clearly indicated. The
dimensioned drawing should be the plumber’s guide and a part of the superintendent’s check sheet to insure proper
As stated earlier, proper nozzle location is critical. Should the pool’s configuration change (i.e., step location, break location,
overall dimension) the nozzle placement must also change. A revised plan must be drawn. Choose one nozzle to use as a
starting point and indicate dimensions to outer walls. This will enable the plumbers to find location of first nozzle and then use
triangulation to locate the remaining ones.
The sequencing order, from a cleaning aspect, is immaterial. Since the cleaning nozzles operate on a random principle,
the need for sequencing is eliminated. However, sequencing from shallow to deep is recommended for ease of plumbing,
installation and trouble-shooting.