/ Installation Guide
System Trouble Report Codes
When the system generates one of the instances listed below, the control panel can send the appropriate report code to the monitoring station identifying the type
of system trouble.
AC Failure:
The control panel has detected a loss of AC power. Transmission of this report code can be delayed.
Battery Failure:
Backup battery is disconnected or battery voltage is low.
Auxiliary Supply:
Auxiliary power supply has overloaded.
Bell Output Overload:
Bell/siren output has overloaded.
Bell Output Disconnected:
Devices connected to the Bell Output have been disconnected.
Timer Loss:
The control panel has detected a loss in time or clock failure.
Fire Loop Trouble:
The control panel has detected a tamper trouble on a fire zone.
Fail To Communicate:
The control panel has failed all attempts to communicate with the monitoring station. The report code will be transmitted upon the
next successful attempt.
RF Interference:
Will report if the RF signal is being jammed.
Module Lost:
The control panel has failed to communicate with one or more modules (including keypads).
Module Tamper:
The anti-tamper switch of a module (including keypads) has been triggered.
Module AC Fail:
The AC voltage of a module has dropped below recommended limits.
Module Low/No Battery:
The battery voltage of a module has dropped below recommended limits.
Wireless Zone Low Battery:
The battery voltage of a wireless transmitter has dropped below recommended limits.
Wireless Zone Supervision Lost:
The control panel has lost communication with a wireless zone.
Wireless PGM Supervision Lost:
The control panel has lost communication with a wireless PGM.
Wireless PGM Tamper:
The anti-tamper switch of a wireless PGM has been triggered.
System Trouble Restore Report Codes
When the system restores one of the troubles listed in
System Trouble Report Codes
above, the control panel can send the appropriate report code to the
monitoring station identifying the type of system trouble restore. If Telephone Line Monitoring is enabled, the control panel can also transmit a TLM Restore
report code.
System Special Report Codes
When the system generates one of the instances listed below, the control panel can send the appropriate report code to the monitoring station identifying the type
of system occurrence.
Cold Start:
The control panel was completely shutdown (no battery, no AC) and then was re-started.
Test Report:
A test report has been generated automatically.
BabyWare In:
The control panel has commenced communication with BabyWare.
BabyWare Out:
The control panel has ended communication with BabyWare.
Installer In:
Installer/Maintenance has entered the programming mode.
Installer Out:
Installer has exited the programming mode.
Closing Delinquency:
The control panel will send a Closing Delinquency report code if the system has not been armed within a programmed amount of days.