transmitted, or if after two attempts, communication is not established, the system will wait until the event
buffer is full, before attempt to communicate with the central again.
If communication is established, the system will then proceed to report the contents of the event buffer to
the PC. If after two attempts, communication is not established, each subsequent new event will erase
the oldest event in the buffer, until the event buffer once again reaches 50% capacity.
Enable keypad panic signals
(Address 088)
Key [1] "on" = Panic 1 (keys [1] and [3], PS1) enabled
Key [2] "on" = Panic 2 (keys [4] and [6]) enabled
Key [3] "on" = Panic 3 (keys [7] and [9]) enabled
Keypad panic options
(Address 088)
Key [4] "off " = Panic 1 silent
Key [5] "off " = Panic 2 silent
Key [6] "off " = Panic 3 silent
Key [4] "on" = Panic 1 audible
Key [5] "on" = Panic 2 audible
Key [6] "on" = Panic 3 fire
Silent operation
When panic keys [1] and [3], OR [4] and [6], OR [7] and [9] are pushed simultaneously for 2 seconds or
PS1 is used, a single confirmation beep is sounded, codes programmed at addresses 513, 514, and 515
are transmitted and the alarm latches, flashing the keypad "armed" light until reset by a user code.
Audible operation
When panic keys are pushed in addition to alarm codes being transmitted, the alarm output (bell/siren)
will activate until reset by a user code or until the bell cut-off time (address 052) expires.
Fire operation
Same as audible operation except that bell/siren output will be pulsed (intermittent "on"/"off ").
"One key" arming enable
(Address 088)
Key [7] "on" = Pushing key [10] for 2 seconds "full" arms system.
Key [8] "on" = Pushing key [11] for 2 seconds "stay" or “system A” arms system.
User/access code length
(Address 088)
Key [9] "off " = 6 digit user/access codes and installer code.
Key [9] "on" = 4 digit user/access codes and installer code.
Tamper/wire fault definitions
(Address 088)
Note: If key [10] and key [11] are both "off ", this means that tamper and wire faults will not be recognized.
See "Zone Input Terminals" page 8-9, "Tamper/Wire Fault Definition and Options", page 9-10, and
"Tamper/wire Fault Definition table" in the "Programming Guide".
Beep on exit delay
(Address 088)
Key [12] "on" = The keypad will sound on exit delay (except when in “stay” arming). Frequency of inter-
mittent beeps increases during the last 10 seconds of the exit delay period.
Zone restore transmission
(Address 088)
Key [
] "off " = If zone is closed, restoration code will be transmitted after "bell cut-off".
Key [
] "on" = Restoration code transmitted as soon as zone is closed.
Silent zones are always restored as soon as they are closed.
Zones with EOL resistors
(Address 088, key [
See "Zone Input Terminals" pages 8-9.
Always report disarm
(Address 088)
Key [
] "off " = always reports disarm codes.
Key [
] "on" = reports disarm code only after alarm.
Exclude power failure from trouble display
(Address 090, key [2
Key ="on": Power failure will not make the [
] key flash.
This trouble condition may still be viewed after pressing [