Warranty responsibilities & limitations
We warrant this barbecue (the “product”) only to you, the original purchaser:
If this product was a gift or a promotional item,
only to the person for whom it was purchased
or received it as promotional item and is not
transferable to subsequent owners.
We warrant the product to be free from defects
in material and workmanship for the durations
indicated below when operating in accordance
with the accompanying owner′s manual.
We agree to repair or replace the part that is
defective in material or workmanship subject to
the limitations and exclusions.
Vida by PADERNO™ Limited 5 Year Warranty
Stainless Steel Burners .....................................................................................Limited 5 Years
Manifold and Valve Assembly ...........................................................................Limited 5 Years
All Other Parts and Paint ...................................................................................Limited 1 Year
(Excluding Chipping, Scratches, Rust, Discolouration)
* Subject to limitations
Owner’s responsibilities & limitations:
You must provide us with the original sales receipt and/or invoice for the product when making any claim under this warranty.
Warranty only applies if you take reasonable care of the product by following all assembly instructions, local/national building and fire
codes, usage instructions and preventative maintenance as outlined in the accompanying owner’s manual.
If you live in a coastal area or you have your product located near a pool, maintenance includes regular washing and rinsing of the
exterior surfaces as outlined in the owner’s manual.
To submit a warranty claim or receive support for your product, please call the Vida by PADERNO™ customer support
hotline 1-800-263-9768.
The warranty lapses if there are damages, deteriorations, discolourations and/or rust for which we are not responsible, caused by:
Normal Wear & Tear: Wear & Tear includes cosmetic and other immaterial deterioration that may come with ownership of your
barbecue over time, such as dents/scratches, chipping, discolourations caused by environment or heat, surface corrosion, rust
or rust perforation, chemical exposure in the atmosphere and other damages which result with normal use and are otherwise
uncontrollable by us.
This warranty applies only when the product is used in Canada.
Accidental damage (not caused by a material defect), abuse, tampering or misuse, alteration, modification, misapplication,
vandalism, neglect, careless handling, damages caused by improper assembly or installation, alterations and clearance to
combustible materials.
Failure to properly perform regular maintenance, safety checks and service, including but not limited to removal of insects from
venturi tubes, resulting in a flashback fire, damage caused by grease fires, flare-up fires or fires resulting from improper connection of
hose to gas source.
Use of improper cleaning products, such as indoor stainless steel cleaners, abrasive and chemical cleaners, porcelain oven cleaner
and other chemical cleaners which can cause damage to surfaces.
Insects (such as spiders) and rodents (such as squirrels), including but not limited to damage to burners and/or gas hoses.
Exposure to salt air and/or chlorine sources such as swimming pools and hot tubs/spas.
Severe weather conditions such as hail, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis or surges, tornadoes or severe storms.
Acid rain and other environmental factors.
Use of non-genuine manufacturer parts voids this warranty and any damages that result hereby are not covered by this warranty.
Any damages related to improper assembly and conversion of the Product will void this warranty.
We will not be responsible for the installation, labour or any other costs or expenses related to the re-installation of a warranted part
and such expenses are not covered by this warranty.
Shipping and handling charges, export duties and any labour costs are your responsibility, including all part orders
that are in/out of warranty.
Customer suppor