background image






Alarm GSM1 nr
Alarm GSM2 nr
Device ID
Modem type

Telephone nr.





Modem type


Press the

button to move the cursor to "Change”.


. "O” blinks.

Write the telephone number using the text editor.
You can move forward or backward in the character


Give a telephone number that the regulator automatically sends a text
message to about an alarm in the event of an alarm. At first the alarm
message is only sent to the GSM number 1. If the alarm is not
acknowledged from this number, after five minutes the regulator sends a
new alarm to both the GSM 1 and 2 numbers.

The regulator can be given a device ID, which functions as the device's
secret password and address information. The device ID can be freely

labeled. The device ID is always written in front of the key word when

using the GSM to communicate with the regulator.

Telephone nr.


Device ID

Not in use
In use


Installing receivers for alarm messages:

Device ID:

Directions for entering the
maintenance mode are on page 21.

Special mainten.

Rstore settings
Meas. 6 setting
Dig1 selection
Dig2 selection
Dig3 selection

Enrgy meter
LON initaliz
Net measurement

Curve type

row with the

or button. Confirm the number by pressing

, then the

same number that you selected will blink in the next space. Whichever has
been selected last can be deleted by pressing

. If you press the

button for a while, the number will be deleted and the number that was
previously fed will remain in effect. When you are ready, press

for a

while (over 2 secretary.).







Move the cursor to "In use”. Press

. "0" blinks.

Write a device ID that has a max. of 4 characters.
The text editor has the letters A…Z and the numbers
0…9. You can move forward or backward in the
character row by pressing the



Confirm the character by pressing


Give the operator-specific message center number


button. Confirm by pressing


Give the SIM card's PIN code. The regulator will not
initialize the GSM modem before the PIN code is
installed. The SIM card has to be put in the GSM
telephone to change the modem's PIN code. When
you have changed the PIN code, install the SIM card
back in the modem.

EH-203 is compatible with Falcom A2D, Nokia
30,Siemens M20T and Fargo Maestro 20 and 100
Lite modems.






Installing the number for the message center:



Installing the modem's PIN for the regulator:

Selecting the modem type:

In order to communicate via text messages, the controller must be
connected to a GSM modem (optional equipment). The modem comes with
an adapter cable equipped with D-connector that is used to connect the
Modem to the controller. The controller's strip connector B-D space is
connected with a jumper wire.

GSM modem connection is done in start functions. The controller
automatically initializes the GSM modem in two hour intervals. This prevents
the GSM from becoming disconnected in the event of a power failure.

The modem is not on. Connect the modem to the network device.
The power is on but the modem is not ready to use. Inspect the following:
1. EH-203 has the same PIN code as the GSM modem's SIM card PIN code.
2. Perform the start-up function. To start-up, move to Start function. Press OK. Exit with
ESC without changing settings.
The modem is ready to use.
The modem sends or receives messages. If a message does not come from the controller,
check the text message you have sent to see that the device ID and keyword have been
written correctly. Also check that the EH-203 controller has the operator's message centre
number of the GSM connection you have in use. The factory setting is a Saunalahti

Guide for Fargo Maestro20 modem connection and initialization:




Fargo modem











LED is not on:
LED is on:

LED blinks slowly:
LED blinks rapidly:

Modem mode/ instructions

LED indicator light

Network device


Содержание EH-203

Страница 1: ...a ja niiden laatu ja lukum r vastaavat piirikaaviota Ilmoita avustavalle tuomarille poikkeamista tai puutteista Jos tarvitset apua nosta k si yl s merkiksi avun tarpeesta odota paikallasi kunnes avust...

Страница 2: ...itearvo Lis tietoa Lis uuden rivin arviointikohteen alle Pisteet O Laitteen toiminta IPC A 610 D Toimii 100 7 00 Toimii 50 vain 5 p O Komponenttien kiinnitt minen IPC A 610 D Juotosten laatu 5 00 O Ko...

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Страница 4: ..._____________________________________ __________________________________________ Kohta 1 Mittaustulos __________________________________________ Menetelm __________________________________________ Koh...

Страница 5: ...switch right end define Y_END_L 3 Boundary switch left end define DIS 3 define DIR_Z 5 Z axis direction define CLK_Z 6 Z axis clock define Z_END_F 1 Boundary switch front define Z_END_B 0 Boundary sw...

Страница 6: ...DR1 This function moves the robot finger dir direction 1 2 3 4 steps number of steps drives to the edge if 0 or 255 void Move unsigned char dir unsigned char steps unsigned char rest 0xFF active PORTA...

Страница 7: ...1800 max isolle moottorille 950 menee viel pienelle moottorille if steps 255 steps while steps PINB dir_mask this function checks wether the given string ref can be found at given position on string...

Страница 8: ...irikaaviossa annettujen tietojen mukaan Valmiissa layoutissa liittimen X1 paikan tulee vasta kuvassa 1 annettu m rett Tekstit ja merkinn t eiv t saa peitt komponenttien paikkoja porausreiki tai juotos...

Страница 9: ...uva 1 Kiinnitysreikien sijoittelu ja liittimen jalkaj rjestys yksik t millimetreiss Kuva 3 K ytetyn trimmeripotentiometrin mitat ja piirilevykuvio yksik t millimetreiss Sijoita liitin X1 t lle alueell...

Страница 10: ...levyn valmistustiedostot Katso osatietoja liitteen olevasta osaluettelosta Arviointikohteet Vain objektiiviselle arvioinnille Arviointi kohteen tyyppi O Obj S Sub Arviointikohde Nimi tai lyhyt kuvaus...

Страница 11: ...Liite 1 Suunniteltavan levyn piirikaavio...

Страница 12: ...Liite 2 Suunniteltavan levyn osaluettelo Kuvassa vasemmalla liitin X1 oikealla liitin X2 X3...

Страница 13: pyyd tuomaria paikalle joka tarkastaa laitteen toiminnan osion kohdalta l etene teht viss ennen kuin tuomari antaa siihen luvan Jos et saa jotain osiota tehty niin voit pyyt tuomarilta valmista vas...

Страница 14: ...s funktiolle annetaan virheellinen rivi tai sarake ei silloin tehd mit n Palautusarvoa funktiolla ei ole Tehty si funktion pyyd tuomari paikalle ja osoita h nelle funktion toimivuus vaihtamalla ohjelm...

Страница 15: ...jatkaa seuraavaan teht v n Esimerkiksi jos taulukon solussa on arvo 0x0A 0000 1010 tarkoittaa se ett kyseisest kohdasta voidaan liikkua vasemmalle tai oikealle Vaihe 5 Virhepistelaskurin luominen 0 3p...

Страница 16: ...hex lukuna kun kytkimill pit olla yl svetovastukset piezo summeri ei saa soida ja yksik n ledi ei pala n yt ss PORTA ______________________________ DDRA ______________________________ PORTB _________...

Страница 17: ...Labyrintin alustukset PORTA 0x1F xxx1 1111 DDRA 0x1F xxxo oooo PORTB 0x1F xxx1 1111 DDRB 0x1F xxxo oooo PORTC 0x00 x000 0000 DDRC 0x7F xooo oooo PORTD 0x78 0ppp pxxx DDRD 0x80 oiii ixxx...

Страница 18: ...X X X X X Goal X X X X Start X X...

Страница 19: ...ADC2 ADC1 ADC0 OC1A INT1 INT0 TXD RXD SCK MISO MOSI SS OC0 AIN1 INT2 AIN0 T1 XCK T0 4 RESET 7 XTAL2 28 AGND 8 XTAL1 3 PB7 2 PB6 1 PB5 44 PB4 43 PB3 42 PB2 41 PB1 40 PB0 16 PD7 15 PD6 14 PD5 13 PD4 12...

Страница 20: ...4 C3 10 C4 6 C5 12 11 LD4 TA20 11SRWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 IC3 ULN2803AG T1 R5 100 T2 R6 100 T3 R7 100 T4 R8 100 T5 R9 100 T6 R10 100 T7 R11 100 T8 R12 100 T9 R13 100 T10 R14 10...

Страница 21: ...y1 DRAWN DATED DATED CHECKED TITLE A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 6 D C B A JKo J4 sillataan vain jos n ytt j ohjataan vuorotteluperiaatteella VVi 230410 J1 1 IN 2 GND 3 OUT U1 7805 R1 2 2k LD1 C15 100n C17 100n D...

Страница 22: ...7 Etenemissuuntien maskit ja julkiset muuttujat define MOVE_UP 0x01 Yl sp in define MOVE_RIGHT 0x02 Oikealle define MOVE_DOWN 0x04 Alasp in define MOVE_LEFT 0x08 Vasemmalle unsigned char points Virhep...

Страница 23: ...x1F iiio oooo PORTC 0x00 x000 0000 DDRC 0x7F xooo oooo PORTD 0x78 0ppp pxxx DDRD 0x80 oiii ixxx startNewGame Aloitetaan uusi peli while 1 Painettu yl sp in if UP _delay_ms 10 Kytkin v r htelyn poistoa...

Страница 24: ...s askel kerrallaan _delay_ms 10 Kytkin v r htelyn poistoa Painettu vasemmalle if LEFT _delay_ms 10 Kytkin v r htelyn poistoa if col 0 labyrintti row col MOVE_LEFT Jos emme ole vasemmassa reunassa ja...

Страница 25: ...virhepisteiden m r while ANY_KEY Odotellaan ANY KEY t asm nop while ANY_KEY asm nop _delay_ms 10 startNewGame Uusi peli k yntiin Funktio joka sytytt yhden ledin kerrallaan n yt ll void setLed unsigned...

Страница 26: ...ja sarakkeelle arvo virhepisteist ja beep piipataan _delay_ms 100 Sopiva rullausviive else Jos nykyinen piste ei ole en n n yt ll ROWS 0x00 Sammutetaan ledit COLHIGH 0xFF COLLOW 0x1F _delay_ms 20 Odo...

Страница 27: ...lle row 6 Aloituspaikat rivi 6 0 6 col 0 Sarake 0 0 9 for i 0 i 10 i Luodaan efekti joka vilkuttaa aloitus ROWS 0x00 ledi 10 kertaa t m ei ollut kilpailussa COLHIGH 0xFF t m on siis extraa COLLOW 0x1F...

Страница 28: ...ovesianturi relel hd n kaapelointi h lytyskytkimen kaapelointi gsm modeemin kytkeminen SY TT KAAPELIN KYTKENT S hk turvallisuus 230 V AC 3 EH 203 s t laitteen k ytt notto relel hd n digitaalitulon ja...

Страница 29: ...and controls can be checked and adjusted and alarms can be received and acknowledged via a GSM telephone s text messages EH 203 gives its user instructions on a display Types of heating systems Radia...

Страница 30: ...dicate actuator control mode Increase button OK button H1 Automatic Outdoor 15 C SupplyTemp52 C Selection Regulating circuit code Browse button Group select button indicates the regulating circuit in...

Страница 31: ...ontrol selection Relay 2 control selection Special maintenance Restore factory settings Settings Measurement 6 setting Pressure measurement Digital inputs 1 2 and 3 Net measurements Text message conne...

Страница 32: curve is typically set so that the supply water temperature rises when the outdoor temperature drops 1 2 3 20 0 20 C Supply water Outdoor temp 20 20 C Supply water Outdoor temp 1 5 2 3 4 Hint Hint...

Страница 33: ...a reduced operation mode room wind or sun compensation has been connected to the regulator or if one of the limiting functions limits the temperature see p 10 If the outdoor sensor is disconnected or...

Страница 34: ...e occurs at each adjustment point Room compensation ratio If the room temperature is different than what it is set at the room compensation corrects the supply water temperature Eg If the room compens...

Страница 35: ...lar circuit Select H1 H2 Valve close in pump summer stop for that function to be on see p 25 Pump summer stop Outdoor temperature at which the regulator stops the pump During connection and installati...

Страница 36: ...he basic display mode You can also browse measurement data in the Measurements display ESC until the display no longer changes You are then in the Selection display shown in the adjoining picture OPER...

Страница 37: ...t temp 2 H1 Supply Supply 3 H1 Room 4 H1 Ret water Return 5 H2 Supply Supply 6 Cold water H2 Room 6 Wind 6 7 HW supply HW d 8 HW circul wat 9 H2 Return 10 Free temperature measurement that can be labe...

Страница 38: ...circuit to the next H1 H2 OPERATING INSTRUCTION Press OK Press the button to move cursor to Info water temp Press OK Press the button to browse factors which determine the supply water temperature Ex...

Страница 39: ...use The EVL type district heating energy meter has only one serial port from which a reading can take place If a wireless Keithin ehdotus h n sanoi ett radioluku on hassu termi or modem is connected t...

Страница 40: ...the clock program Supply water Stand by No electricity to actuator Only mechanical manual operation of actuator is possible Room temperature Manual operation of actuator mechanically Additional infor...

Страница 41: ...links the or button to set the day Press The month blinks the or button to set the month Press Press Press Press Clock functions Time Date H1 drop program H2 drop program R1 time program R2 Control Ti...

Страница 42: ...n the display is taken into use with the button Make your selection for each day and press 19 30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 04 30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DropOnH1 Drop Off Browse location for additional programming the butt...

Страница 43: in the ON mode the relay is activated In this mode the time time and weekday is set for the relay to be activated and the time time and weekday is set for the relay to be inactivated Time programmi...

Страница 44: ...age of the regulator can be changed in the following manner OUMAN EH 203 LANGUAGE OUMAN EH 203 Language Keel English Eesti Press the button to move the cursor to the language you want to use Press OK...

Страница 45: ...rocess so the manufacturer can determine exactly which regulator is in question H1 Select Heating curve Settings Measurements Info water temp Operat modes Clock functions Language Keel Type info Start...

Страница 46: ...letter on the heating curve display indicates that self learning is in use Press ESC until the display no longer changes You are then in the Selection display shown in the adjoining picture OPERATING...

Страница 47: ...rmation will appear on the display If you don t press the keyboard in 20 seconds the alarm will return to the display if the fault has not been corrected Note If a MODBUS 200 is connected the alarm is...

Страница 48: ...lled relay operation Send the regulator a text message Using key words request information about the function whose settings you want to adjust or obtain the information from your telephone s memory A...

Страница 49: ...e info Start function Mainten mode H1 Select H1 Maint mode Enter maint code Access to the Ouman EH 203 maintenance mode is prevented by user rights Only those persons who have a maintenance code have...

Страница 50: ...nge 10 300 C 5 300 s 0 0 10 0 s 0 100 10 300 C 5 300 s 0 0 10 0 s 50 250 C Factory settings H1 H2 140 C HW 70 C H1 H2 5 HW 18 s H1 H2 0 0 HW 0 0 0 s s s HW 140 C HW 60 Settings P area P area I time I...

Страница 51: ...ettings 2 h 0 h 70 C H1 H2 H1 H2 0 h 0 h 0 C Settings OutdoorDelay Pre increase HW alarm HW increase Attention The alarm limit automatically rises during an increase in HW HW is set in clock functions...

Страница 52: supply water temperature changes graphically A supply water temperature scale is printed on the right edge of the display The exact temperature of the supply water also appears as a numerical val...

Страница 53: ...AC 3 point control first choose 230V Actuator for the relay control mode See pages 26 and 27 H1 3 p time s 0 10V 2 10V 3 p230V s Actuator sel 15 150 0 VALVE ACTUATOR CONNECTION Open Closed 51 53 55 57...

Страница 54: ...lay Pump summer stop For each individual regul circuit select whether the valve will continue regulat or whether the valve will close when the pump stops When you exit from this mode the regul asks fo...

Страница 55: ...he relay ex a sauna stove door locks Timing programming is done in clock functions p 15 In the timing program s ON mode the relay is activated You can label the relay according to its use see p 8 The...

Страница 56: ...nance level settings Outdoor temp delay H1 H2 Pre increase H1 H2 Domestic hot water alarm Domestic hot water increase Factory setting Relays 80 65 50 35 20 20 0 20 C H2 Curve 0 42 C 20 62 C 20 20 C Op...

Страница 57: ...rm This setting appears if Temp operated has been selected in the relay1 control mode see page 26 The alarm goes off if the deviation has lasted for the set time Range 0 2 25 95 5 20 10 50 5 20 5 20 1...

Страница 58: ...ent labelled Cold water The label for Measurement 6 can be changed using the text editor 0 10V transmitters are used in wind pressure measurements In this mode you can set the wind transmitter area th...

Страница 59: ...e connection using a voltage divider resistor The measurement area is then the emitter s measurement area e g 16 bar Network pressure NetworkPress bar Meas area OverpressAl Fill alarm LowerLimAl 16 0...

Страница 60: ...e alarm is given when the alarm contact closes the alarm is acknowledged from a separate switch The alarm may stop sounding after a power failure Contact information for constant speed pumps is taken...

Страница 61: ...rcuit H1 H2 that you want to label Press OK Curve type 3 point 5 point 20 20 C Supply water Outdoor temperature 1 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 20 0 20 C Supply water Outdoor temperature Regul Circ Name H1 H2 Name ch...

Страница 62: ...en Rstore settings Settings Meas 6 setting Dig1 selection Dig2 selection Dig3 selection Enrgy meter LON initaliz Curve type Regul Circ Name Taking automatic reporting into use OK Press the button to m...

Страница 63: ...und of the 230VAC supply current to strip connector 81 of the controller LON ne t 78kbps A C EH 485 adapter card LON 200 adapter card Eg Datajamak 2x 2 1 x0 24 A B C RS 485 net EH 203 EH 203 Modbus ne...

Страница 64: ...on limits for wind and sun measurements The minimum indicates when compensation begins and the maximum indicates when compensation is at a maximum value Set the limits for wind measurement as wind spe...

Страница 65: pressing the or button Confirm the character by pressing Give the operator specific message center number with or button Confirm by pressing Give the SIM card s PIN code The regulator will not ini...

Страница 66: ...effect when a modem has not been directly connected to the controller Communication occurs through the controller s RS 485 field bus Many controllers can be connected to the system by using the EH 48...

Страница 67: ...all device between the EH net and the network By using the browser it is possible to communicate with the EH 203 controller from any pc Information from the controller can be read and changed from the...

Страница 68: ...allation by pressing the plastic plugs into the screw holes Switch off the voltage from the regul Press the fuse socket and turn it counterclockwise Change the 200mA 5x20mm glass tube fuse Press and t...

Страница 69: ...10V DC input Open Closed 3 x 0 8 24 VAC 0 10V DC input OUMAN EH 203 GENERAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM OUMAN EH 203 A B C D 51 52 54 55 56 58 59 60 62 EH 203 regulator Information transfer bus connection EIA...

Страница 70: ...ansfer alarms using digital inputs and make an individual regulating circuit EH 686 can also function as a master in the OumanRS 485 bus by directing traffic in the net EMR 200 EH 203 has a plug conne...

Страница 71: ...sor fault alarm 18 Stand by function 12 10 29 Start function 17 Sun compensation LON 7 35 Supply water temperature info 10 Surface mounted thermostat 5 Temperature drop 12 14 Temperature operated rela...

Страница 72: ...ts 3 point 24 VAC or voltage control 0 10 V or 2 10 V Actuator s combined output power max 25 VA Supply water regulation according to the outdoor temperature including the inside temperature measureme...

Страница 73: ...ilmoittaa sen valvovalle tuomarille Oikein l ydetyst vikaosiosta saa nelj 4 pistett Toisella yritt m ll l ydetyst viasta saa kaksi 2 pistett Toisen ep onnistuneen yrityksen j lkeen kyseisest viasta e...

Страница 74: ...USB kautta oikean datan 5 tavua mutta USART vastaanottopuskuri Rx_Buf n ytt silti sis lt v n ainoastaan yhden merkin Etsi virhe ja korjaa se ohjelmakoodiin Ilmoita l yt m si virhe tuomarille 0 4p 4 O...

Страница 75: ...ohjelmointilaitteeksi AVRISP mkII ja portiksi USB Klikkaa sen j lkeen Connect 3 Avaa k nt m si hex tiedosto kohtaan Flash Input HEX File ja klikkaa Program ARVIOINTI Piirilevyn suunnitteluvika 4p Lad...

Страница 76: ...emisto eli ajurien kansio paina Next Valitse Install from list or specific location ja paina Next niin asennus alkaa Kun kaikki on valmista klikkaa Finish T m n j lkeen kone ilmoittaa uuden laitteen l...

Страница 77: ...n 16 bit luvun Jos Askeleet kentt n kirjoittaa 0 ajaa moottori loputtomiin Mik li Nopeus kentt n kirjoittaa 0 siirtyy kellon prioriteetti ulkoiselle kellosignaalille Askeleen koon voi valita 1 1 1 2 1...

Страница 78: ...W Q1 CRYSTAL 8 MHz R1 R2 RESISTOR 1 3W R3 RESISTOR 1k 1 4W R4 RESISTOR 10k 1 4W R5 R6 R7 RESISTOR 12k 1 4W R8 RESISTOR 120 1 4W R9 RESISTOR 470 1 4W R10 RESISTOR 330 1 4W VR1 POT 100k RN1 RESISTORNET...

Страница 79: ...define CK 0x08 define DISABLE 0x20 define CW_CCW 0x40 define DATA_PORT PORTC define DATA_DDR DDRC funktioiden prototyypit void Main_Init void void Timer1_Init void void USART_Init void void USART_Tran...

Страница 80: ...laskuri DATA_PORT CK vaihdetaan CK tila Vastaanottokeskeytys ISR USART_RX_vect uint8_t data 0 paikalliset muutujat data UDR0 luetaan rekisteri if data 0x3F laitekysely USART_Transmit 0x21 vastataan e...

Страница 81: ...t porttiin Speed Rx_Buf 1 0000 0000 xxxx xxxx Speed Rx_Buf 2 8 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000 Count_CK 20000 Speed m ritet n montako kierrosta lasketaan keskeytyksess if Speed 0 nopeudella annetaan prioriteetti...

Страница 82: ...void Timer1_Init void TCCR1B 1 CS11 clk 8 1MHz TIMSK1 1 TOIE1 T C1 overflow interrupt enable TCNT1H 0xFF noin 47kHz TCNT1L 0xEA Sarjaliikenne alustus void USART_Init void UBRR0H 0x00 ylempi j tyhj ksi...

Страница 83: ...tu 5 tavua eli koko data Data_Ready 1 lippu yl s Index 0 nollataan indeksi Index rivin lis ys on ainoa oikea ratkaisu 4 Ohjelmavika 2 moottori ei py ri taaksep in Vika p ohjelman m rityksiss datav yl...

Страница 84: ...LIITE 4 Piirikaavio...

