These produce a variation between two segments (BARS) of the rhythm. They are normally used to
underline the end of a musical phrase. While FILL IN 1 will not change the Variation of the Style, FILL
IN2 will increment the Style Variation making your playing more effective. It is possible to use FILL
IN1 as a short INTRO. If FILL IN2 is used as an INTRO, it will produce according to the selected
style, a metronome type introduction.
When selected, the notes played in the accompaniment will continue playing after the keys have been
released, or until a different key or keys, are depressed.
The TEMPO is calculated in beats per minute (min.40, max 240). To increase the Tempo press the (/\)
TEMPO/DATA button, and to decrease the tempo press the (\/) TEMPO/DATA button (located to the
right of the Display). Pressing the (/\) and (\/) buttons simultaneously, sets the TEMPO at 120.
The instrument offers three different levels of accompaniment.
Variation 1
provides a simple basic arrangement for any kind of music.
Variation 2
gives extra feeling to the accompaniment.
Variation 3
gives the style an orchestral dimension.
The volume of the style variations can be easily controlled via the DATA buttons. Use the < and >
buttons to scroll between the accompaniment parts, and the /\ and \/ buttons to adjust the volume level.
The volume level (min. 0 - max 127) will be indicated on the display together with the name of the
accompaniment part.
If this function is activated the automatic chords played will be accompanied by an interesting bass line.
To play the bass manually turn off the AUTO BASS and play the bass pedals. The BASS Section
sounds can be changed to further enhance the playing style.
If this function is activated the chords played will be accompanied by a beautiful automatic
arrangement. If you would rather play the chords manually in your own style turn off AUTO CHORD
and use the LOWER ORCHESTRA sounds.