Your GT2600 is equipped with a full-function, Floppy disk drive, located at the far left-hand end of the
Upper keyboard; the disk drive controls are between the keyboard and the drive itself. The disk drive
allows you to save information onto disks, and to store it indefinitely. It also allows you to play that
information back, it even helps you play along with it!
The disk drive is operated by a computer inside the GT2600, and the MIDI feature (which keeps all of
the voices and their locations in order).
If you’re not familiar with Floppy disks and their drives, here are a few basics that you should be aware
In this drive, you use 3.5 inch (HD/DD). The drive uses standard MS-DOS* formatting and file
storage conventions. For those so inclined, this means that your disk can be read by MS~DOS*
computers. You can even share the disks with others. Floppy disks are available in stores
everywhere; many come already formatted (i.e., prepared to receive data. Formatting is
discussed further on).
In this day and age, Floppy disks appear to be no longer Floppy They have a hard plastic case,
with a sliding metal shutter that protects the actual disk inside (which really IS Floppy). Don’t
be fooled by the case, however; treat floppies gently.
Don’t open the sliding shutter, or touch the disk inside.
Disks are like recording tape, they are magnetic. Don’t place them on a TV set, speaker cabinet,
or anything else that is magnetic, you’ll lose what is recorded on them
Insert the disk into the drive with the label side up, shutter end first When you push it
completely into the drive, it clicks into place.
Eject a disk by pressing the button on the disk drive itself The edge of the disk pops out, just
pull it out the rest of the way.
Never eject a disk while the drive light is on; the drive is active, and you could damage the disk
and/or the dive, to say nothing of loosing your files.
Disk information is stored in files; one song is one file
Saving data to a disk is also called storing, or writing. Writing is possible only when the
write/protect tab in the comer of the disk is in the write position - toward the metal shutter.
When you wish to protect the data on the disk from accidental erasure, move the tab into the
protect position.
NOTE: If you can see through the hole in the write/protect window, the disk is write protected.
You can load data from the disk - also called retrieving, or reading - regardless of the position
of the write/protect tab.
To record over data on the disk, move the tab to the write position (the hole is covered) To play
the disk (as opposed to recording), the disk can remain protected.
Be sure to label disks that you plan to keep; it seems that as soon as one has more than
disk, it becomes difficult to remember what is where Also, be sure to back up (make another
copy of) the really important files, disk drives have been known to “eat” a disk now and then.
Simply load the file into the GT2600, and then save it onto a different disk.
* MS-DOS is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation