Using the transmission
Never allow the engine rev into the red
zone in any gear.
Riding on hills
Don't slide on and dragged the motorcycle
over long distances when engine closed for a
long time, even transmission in neutral positi
on. Only when the engine is running can you
add lubricant to transmission, the improper
lubricating will damage transmission.
When climbing steep hills, the motorcycle may
begin to slow down and show lack of power. At this
point you should shift to a lower gear so that the
engine will again be operating in its normal power
range. Shift rapidly to prevent the motorcycle from
losing momentum. When riding down a hill, the
engine may be used for braking by shifting to a
lower gear. Be careful, not to allow the engine to
The transmission is provided to keep the engine
operating smoothly in its normal operating ranger.
The gear ratios have been carefully chosen to meet
the characteristics of the engine. The rider should
always select the most suitable gear for the prevailing
conditions. Never slip the clutch to control road speed,
but rather downshift to allow the engine to run within its
normal operational range.
Using transmission shift correctly enables you
to control the engine power when accelerating
, climbing and so on.
Stopping and parking
Turn the throttle grip away from yourself to
close the throttle completely.
2. Evenly using the front and rear brake at the same
time, to be sure compensating used at thesame
Using the transmission
Never allow the engine rev into the red
zone in any gear.
Riding on hills
Don't slide on and dragged the motorcycle
over long distances when engine closed for a
long time, even transmission in neutral positi
on. Only when the engine is running can you
add lubricant to transmission, the improper
lubricating will damage transmission.
When climbing steep hills, the motorcycle may
begin to slow down and show lack of power. At this
point you should shift to a lower gear so that the
engine will again be operating in its normal power
range. Shift rapidly to prevent the motorcycle from
losing momentum. When riding down a hill, the
engine may be used for braking by shifting to a
lower gear. Be careful, not to allow the engine to
The transmission is provided to keep the engine
operating smoothly in its normal operating ranger.
The gear ratios have been carefully chosen to meet
the characteristics of the engine. The rider should
always select the most suitable gear for the prevailing
conditions. Never slip the clutch to control road speed,
but rather downshift to allow the engine to run within its
normal operational range.
Using transmission shift correctly enables you
to control the engine power when accelerating
, climbing and so on.
La transmission est prévu pour maintenir le moteur
dans sa plage de fonctionnement optimale. Les rapports de
démultiplication ont été soigneusement choisis pour répondre
aux caractéristiques du moteur. Le pilote devra toujours sé-
lectionner le rapport de vitesse le plus approprié en fonction
des conditions de conduite. Ne jamais utiliser l’embrayage
pour contrôler sa vitesse, mais rétrograder pour permettre
au moteur de fonctionner au mieux.
Ne jamais laisser le moteur en zone rouge quelque soit
la vitesse enclenchée.
Lors de la montée de collines escarpées, la moto
peut commencer à ralentir et montrer un manque de puis-
sance. Vous devez passer à une vitesse inférieure ainsi, le
moteur sera de nouveau dans sa plage de puissance normale.
Changer rapidement de rapport pour empêcher la moto de
perdre trop de vitesse. Quand vous descendez une colline, le
moteur peut être utilisé comme frein par le passage à une
vitesse inférieure. En descente, soyez prudent de ne pas lais-
ser le moteur s’emballer.
Utilisation du levier de vitesses permet de contrôler la
puissance du moteur et rester dans sa plage de fonc-
tionnement idéale pour les accélérations, les montées,
les freinages...
Ne pas utiliser la moto en roue libre sur une longue
distance (le moteur éteint et au point mort) car
cela engendrerait des dommages importants et
irréversibles dans la boite de vitesses car elle n’est
pas lubri ée.