time) and
(minimum turn-off time). All of these time intervals can be programmed and may
range from 1 ms to 1023 ms in steps of 1 ms.
The turn-on protection can be inhibited on selected outputs if a continuous operation is required by
the application. Similarly, the turn-off protection can be inhibited on selected outputs if required by
the application.
Setting of the output protection logic can be done using the serial RS485 or Ethernet interfaces.
12.7. Free running oscillator
The free running oscillator is an autonomous asynchronous trigger source with a programmable
period from 1000 ms down to 10 ms in steps of 1 ms (corresponding to a frequency of 1 Hz up to 100
Hz). It can be selected as an input to the input multiplexers.
Common usage of the oscillator is to test the lights during machine assembly and deployment.
13. Wiring diagrams
As discussed in the previous sections, the controller is quite flexible and many configurations can be
achieved. The following wiring diagrams describe some of the most common.
13.1. Wiring example #1: controller triggers camera
Figure 10: example schematic #1
the controller is driven by two input
triggers, powers a total of three lights and triggers two cameras.
Figure 10: example schematic #1
As shown, the power and logic supplies are derived from a common power supply.