Maxiflex P3 PAC User Manual
-© Omniflex
14.7 Step 7: Save the Primary Controller Configuration
When you are satisfied that the Primary Controller is fully functional as required, then save
the Configuration to your hard drive giving the configuration file a name that you will
14.8 Step 8: Power up the Secondary Controller
Ensure that the Sync Link cable is installed, and then power up the secondary controller.
The RUN LED on will be OFF if there is problem with the secondary controller installation or
configuration, or FLASHING to indicate that the Secondary Controller is in standby.
14.9 Step 9: Check for Sync Link Activity
The “SYNC 100” LED’s should be ON on both controllers, and their “SYNC LINK” LED’s
should be on, flashing OFF periodically to indicate activity on the Sync Link.
14.10 Step 10: Check Remote I/O Activity on Secondary Controller
Check that the Token LED on the RIO NIM on the secondary controller Rack is flashing at a
fast steady rate, and that the Tx
and Rx LED’s are flashing periodically (at least once per
14.11 Step 11: Configure Secondary Controller
Now remove the Programming cable from the Primary Controller’s Programming Port and
plug it into the Secondary Controller Programming Port.
Download the identical configuration to the Secondary Controller that is in the Primary
Controller, by performing a “Write All” function in Omniset.
14.12 Step 12: Test I/O Access from Secondary Controller
Check the I/O Status in the secondary controller as you did in step 14.6 for the primary