You have completed a measurement but cannot see results?
If you see text on blue background on “team analysis overview” view and blue dot next to athlete
name(s), it means that you have done measurement(s) without Internet connection for these
athletes(s). To calculate and see results, make sure that you have a working Internet connection and
then tap the sync button
An athlete has done a measurement but his/her results are not updated to the Coach app?
Tap the sync button
to fetch measurements from the Omegawave cloud and verify that you have a
working Internet connection.
ECG graph appears odd?
If your ECG graph looks like the illustration below, cancel the measurement and connect the sensor to
your charger using the micro-USB charging cable for a few seconds. Check that the sensor’s LED light
turns red. This will reset the sensor and the problem should disappear.
Measurement was cancelled because the DC Potential values were out of range?
This may happen if you are reusing old electrodes or they have dried due to improper storage. Always
use unused electrodes and make sure that you properly seal the electrode bag to prevent drying.
DC Potential signal is not detected?
Make sure that you are using unused electrodes and that you have connected the DC Potential cable to
athlete’s forehead and hand. If the application still indicates that it is not able to detect the DC Potential
signal, it can mean that the micro-USB connector of the sensor may be broken. In this case, contact
Omegawave support for further assistance:
The sensor cannot be charged?
If you cannot see the LED light turning red when the sensor is connected to a power supply with the
micro-USB cable, it means that the sensor is already fully charged. It can also mean that the micro-USB
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