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P a g e
from the End Device. The Sequence Number resets to 0 after it reaches 255.
The Last Update field shows the last time a new measurement was updated on the webpage.
The webpage update rate is set at the bottom of the page. This changes how often the
webpage checks for readings but does not change how often End Devices transmit new
readings. The Last Update field uses the time retrieved from the local system.
By default, End Devices are displayed sorted by Device ID and up to 10 End Devices are
shown. Use the
buttons to show additional End Devices. The maximum
number of entries can be changed using the drop down menu in the upper left. Up to 100 End
Devices can be displayed at once.
When dealing with a large number of End Devices it may be useful to filter which ones to
view. Use the search bar in the upper right to search for specific end devices by name. Use the
Device Filter
button to show or hide specific End Devices by Device ID.
4.2 Changing End Device Settings
Connected End Devices and Sensors can be configured by clicking the settings icon on the
right side of the page, on either the Readings or Status Page. A list of user adjustable
parameters including the Sensor Name, Update Interval, and Sensor Offsets are shown. Other
parameters may be shown based on the connected sensor. Please refer to the Sensor User
Manual for sensor specific instructions.
General Settings
The End Device Name can be up to 16 characters long.
Names are displayed on the web pages with the Device
ID to help differentiate between End Devices.
The name cannot contain any of the following
; = ( ) < > “ &
The Update Interval is the frequency End Devices
transmit readings. By default, most End Devices send one
reading every 10 seconds. The update interval greatly
effects the battery life of End Devices. The shorter the
update interval the shorter the battery life will be.
Shorter update intervals also increase the chance of RF
Interference when there are multiple End Devices. It is
recommended that the update interval be set only as
short as required for optimal battery life. Please refer to
the End Device user manual for more information on
battery life.
Each End Device can have multiple sensors. The Sensor
Offset is used to make adjustments to each
measurement as needed. The offset can be positive or
negative and contain up to 4 decimal places. The End Device will round each reading to the
local sensor accuracy so extra decimal places may not be reflected in the final reading. If the
End Device has a display, the offset will also be reflected on the display.
To change a value in the General section, type the desired value into the dialog box and press
button. Changes are sent to the End Device after its next transmission. The
button clears any changes made but not yet updated.
Figure 8. End Device Settings