High Limit Operation
If Hi. is selected for OUT1, the unit will
perform high limit control. When power
is applied, the OUT1 relay is de-ener-
gized. After the 6.5 second self-test
period if the process is below the high
limit set point (HSP1), the output 1 relay
will be energized and the OP1 indicator
will go off. If the process goes above
the high limit set point, the relay will be
de-energized, the OP1 indicator will go
on and the display will show the
process value. After the process falls
below the high limit set point and the
RESET key is pressed or the remote
reset input is applied, the relay will be
energized and the OP1 indicator will go
Limit Control Operation
Low Limit Operation
If Lo is selected for OUT1, the unit will
perform low limit control. When power is
applied, the OUT1 relay is de-energized.
After the 6.5 second self-test period, if
the process is above the low limit set
point (LSP1), the output 1 relay will be
energized and OP1 indicator will go off.
If the process goes below the low limit
set point, the relay will be de-energized,
the OP1 indicator will go on and the dis-
play will show the process value. After
the process rises above the low limit set
point and the RESET key is pressed or
the remote reset input is applied, the
relay will be energized and the OP1 indi-
cator will go off.
High/Low Limit Operation
If Hi.Lo is selected for OUT1, the unit
will perform high/low limit control. When
power is applied, the OUT1 relay is de-
energized. After the 6.5 second self-test
period, if the process is below the high
limit set point (HSP1), and above the low
limit set point (LSP1), the output 1 relay
will be energized and OP1 indicator will
go off. If the process goes above the
high limit set point or below the low limit
set point, the relay will be de-energized,
the OP1 indicator will go on and the dis-
play will show the process value. After
the process is within the normal opera-
tion range, and the RESET key is
pressed or the remote reset input is
applied, the relay will be energized and
the OP1 indicator will go off.
Figure 5.3 High Limit Operation
Figure 5.4 Low Limit Operation
Figure 5.5 High/Low Limit Operation