OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
“Enable Auto Cool” -
Check this box to have the viscometer automatically
cool the cell after a test.
“Deactivate Cooling when Temp within X°C of Setpoint” -
This value tells
the software to stop cooling the cell when the temperature is within a certain
“Deactivate Cooling when Temp is less than” -
This value sets a minimum
temperature for cooling.
“Enable Shear Stress Cutoff” -
This feature is designed to protect the
internal components from excessive shear stress. Check this box to enable
the feature.
“Shear Stress Cutoff (%)” -
Enter a percentage of the maximum shear
stress for the unit. The maximum shear stress is 300 DR. Therefore, a value
of 70 in this field will stop the viscometer at 210 DR.
“RPM DAQ Settings” -
“RPM High”, “RPM Med” and “RPM Low”, “Dead
Time”, “DAQ Time”. These fields are used to determine the amount of time
needed for the sample to stabilize at a given rate. The fields are also used
to determine the amount of time data is averaged before being saved. For
example, if RPM High is set to 60, Dead Time is set to 15 and DAQ Time is
set to 20, any rate of 60 RPM or greater during a sweep would stabilize for 15
seconds then begin averaging data for 20 seconds before saving the data.
“Com Port” -
This field specifies which Com port the viscometer is
connected to.
“DAQmx Device Name” -
If multiple DAQ cards are installed on the PC,
choose the card you wish the unit to use.
“Reverse Rates Gel UI” -
If “Hysteresis” is selected on the “Test Builder”
screen (see page 27), this option will perform a gel test after the forward
portion of the sweep and after the backward portion.
“Data Archive Directory” -
This field specifies the directory to store archived