GA10218_002_A7 - 9/2015 - © Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
Scaling Recorder Output
Main menu > Settings > Interfaces > Scaling recorder output
Here the scaling of the recorder output can be adjusted. This adjustment is possi-
ble only when the signal LR lin or LR log is chosen.
Upper limit value is adjusted to 10
(= 10V)
Scaled to 5 V /decade
Lower limit value consequently is 10
(= 0 V)
PLC Sample Rate
Main menu > Settings > Interfaces > PLC Sample rate
3.6 Operation
By pressing the MENU push button Fig. 12/13 the main menu will be displayed
regardless of the current working mode or status of the PHOENIX L300i.
The main menu Fig. 23 leads the operator to several submenus described in the
following chapters. The main menu is identically for all PHOENIX L300i models.
The next page gives an overview of the entire menu architecture Fig. 23.
The overview of the menu architecture corresponds to the PHOENIX L300i, differ-
ing menu points or setting possibilities for the PHOENIX L300i DRY and PHOENIX
L300i MODUL are described in the respective menu point.
Softkey 2:
The decade of the upper leak rate can be decreased
Softkey 3:
Decrease scaling of the previously adjusted value in steps of 0.5, 1, 2,
2.5, 5, 10 Volt/decade. The complete array covers 10 V.
Softkey 5:
Help text.
Softkey 6:
The decade of the upper leak rate can be increased
Softkey 7:
Increase scaling of the previously adjusted value in steps of 0.5, 1, 2, 2.5,
5, 10 Volt/decade. The complete array covers 10 V.
Softkey 2:
Decreasing the PLC sample rate down to the minimum of 10 ms. This
might be necessary if exchanging an L200 to the PHOENIX L300i to stay
Softkey 3:
Increasing the PLC sample rate to the maximum of 100 ms.
Scaling recorder output