3.1 Starting Engine, continued;
IMPORTANT: Do not operate the starter for
more than 30 seconds at a time. To do so
may overheat the starter. If the engine does
not start the first time, wait at least 2 minutes
before trying again. If the engine fails to start
after 4 attempts, see the trouble shooting sec-
tion of the EOM and this manual.
Pull the ignition switch all the way out, when the
engine starts release the ignition switch. It should
spring back to the first position.
IMPORTANT: If the ignition switch is released
before the engine starts, wait until the starter
and the engine stop turning before trying
again. This will prevent possible damage to
the starter and/or flywheel.
After the engine starts, continue to hold the Mur-
phy Switch in until the oil pressure gauge reads at
least 15 psi. The Murphy shut off switch will not
allow the engine to operate below this level. If the
gauge does not rise above 15 psi withing 5 sec-
onds, stop the engine and determine the cause.
Normal operating oil pressure is 50 psi with oil at
normal operating temperature.
Check all gauges for normal engine opreration.
If operation is not normal, stop the engine and
determine the cause.
IMPORTANT: To assure proper lubrication,
operate the engine at or below 1200 rpm with
no load for 1 -2 minutes. Extend this period
2 - 4 minutes when operating at temperatures
below freezing.
Watch the coolant temperature gauge. Do
not place engine under load until it is properly
warmed up. The normal engine coolant tempera-
ture range is 180 - 202 degrees F.
figure 3a
Operating Section
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