Command that checks power supply's current CV(Constant Voltage, CC(Constant Current).
Return value "CV" - Constant Voltage Condition
"CC" - Constant Current Condition
ex) FLOW?
return value "CV"
POLarity {P|N}
Command is only for Polarity Power Supply, changes polarity of output terminal.
> P
Change to straight polarity output.
> N
Change to reverse polarity output.
ex) POL P
Change to straight output
Command that checks power supply's polarity condition. Only used for Polarity Power Supply.
Return value "P" - Straight polarity output condition.
"N" - Reverse polarity output condition.
ex) POL?
return value "P"
6-5. Measure Command
Command that measures power supply's read back voltage & current. Does not require
DVM(Digital Volt Meter) & Ammeter.
Command that measure power supply's output voltage
Command that measure power supply s output voltage.
Return value "voltage"
ex) meas:volt?
return value "11.0000"
Command that measure power supply's output current.
Return value "current"
ex) meas:curr?
return value "1.0000"
ex) meas:curr?
return value 1.0000
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