E6 & E7
Installation (Once hull preparation is complete)
1. Test light(s) before fitting.
2. If using a Delrin Isolation Kit, insert the Isolation Kit front washer into the drilled hole and apply marine sealant to
seal between the Front Washer and the hull.
3. Apply sealant to the rear of the mounting tube
assembly’s bezel to ensure a complete unbroken seal around
the light.
Make sure sealant fills in the recess groove on the reverse of the light bezel:
4. For the E6 model, to guarantee correct light orientation ensure the OceanLED logo on the reflector is located
at the top before inserting it in the hull. If seen from the inside of the hull, the rear LED Indicator needs to be
located at the top of the light (see image below).
For E7 fitment, ensure the light angle is correct for the location before fitting the light. If available, follow the
OceanLED Light Placement Chart (LPC) where the required angle for each light position around the hull will
be detailed.
On the E7, the LED Indicator is also used as a reference point for beam direction as well as orientation. For
example, if viewed from the rear with the LED Indicator at the top, the beam will be pointing upwards. The
OceanLED logo on the reflector also indicates the direction of the beam
– see below. For further details, see
the diagram in the Appendix (Section 7)
5. Insert the complete light unit (mounting tube as light cartridge) into the hull, pressing the light hard into
the hull and twist slightly to spread the sealant behind the light to ensure good adhesion.