Control Systems
OBR Control Systems Inc
OBR Control Systems Inc
Telephone : +1 (248) 672-3339
32233 West 8 Mile Road
Livonia, Michigan 48152
75 / 92
Standard CAN Protocol – Receive switch status from PCM2
The green LED’s can be controlled either by the MSP by pressing a switch having selected “Local”
in the MSP switch configuration or by a confirmation received from the powerbox that the related
output is switched on. This is done by selecting “Leg RX”.
To activate this feature in the membrane controller, you have to add the constant decimal value of
“10” (or “0A” in hex) in byte 0 in the identifier transmitting the switch status from the powerbox.
The green LEDs are controlled by bit values in bytes 3, 2 and 1.
MSP will turn ON a LED if the received value is “1” and OFF if the
received value is “0”.
In PCM2 use the CAN Export to configure transmission of the
output switch status to the membrane panel:
Name the package.
Select CAN bus on which the MSP is communicating.
Set destination address (this must correspond with the
receive address specified in MSP software).
NOTE: Maximum value is 7FF for an 11 bit identifier.
Select 11 or 29 bit identifier used.
Select update interval in milliseconds.
Click in byte 0 and select Constant Value, select “10”.
Click on byte 3 and select “Output On/Off” as byte format.
For each bit select the output to monitor on MSP.
Continue this configuration on byte 2 and 1.
To control the green LED’s, the output switch status, transmitted
from an external system, must be configured this way:
Green LED on switch #1 receives on byte 3, bit 0.
Green LED on switch #2 receives on byte 3, bit 1.
Green LED on switch #3 receives on byte 3, bit 2.
Green LED on switch #4 receives on byte 3, bit 3.
Green LED on switch #5 receives on byte 3, bit 4.
Green LED on switch #6 receives on byte 3, bit 5.
Green LED on switch #7 receives on byte 3, bit 6.
Green LED on switch #8 receives on byte 3, bit 7.
Green LED on switch #9 receives on byte 2, bit 0.
Green LED on switch #10 receives on byte 2, bit 1.
Green LED on switch #11 receives on byte 2, bit 2.
Green LED on switch #12 receives on byte 2, bit 3.
Green LED on switch #13 receives on byte 2, bit 4.
Green LED on switch #14 receives on byte 2, bit 5.
Green LED on switch #15 receives on byte 2, bit 6.
Green LED on switch #16 receives on byte 2, bit 7.
Green LED on switch #17 receives on byte 1, bit 0.
Green LED on switch #18 receives on byte 1, bit 1.
Green LED on switch #19 receives on byte 1, bit 2.
Green LED on switch #20 receives on byte 1, bit 3.