Periodical Maintenance Checks
Every three months, perform periodical maintenance checks on this product according to the following list. If any abnormalities are found,
contact your Authorized NSK Dealer.
Checking Item
Outer Surface
Check for any scratches, damage or abnormalities on the outer surface.
Each Connection Part
Check for any scratches, damage or deformation of each connection part.
Connect the Attachment and check for abnormalities at the connection part.
After connecting each part, fasten the Twist Collet, close the Latch (Chuck Close position) and rotate the
Motor for approximately 1 minute by pressing the Foot Control Pedal or Hand Switch of the Motor. Check for
any abnormal vibration, noise or heat generation.
Check that the Motor stops normally after releasing the Foot Control Pedal or Hand Switch of the Motor.
Perform reprocessing appropriately according to OM-SZ0911MA Primado2 REPROCESSING MANUAL.