SymphoniePLUS3 User Guide
Rev. 17
[email protected] | Page 106
31 December 2018
Exporting Data as 10 minute, 60 minute or WAsP
SDR’s export feature allows you to export data for a particular month or date range for use with a
spreadsheet or other software program that accepts .txt format. Click “Export.” The “Select Span for
Report” window should appear. You may select a monthly or comprehensive date range for the data
export. Also, if you wish to export only data that has had bad data removed, select the “Export data with
filters applied” check box. See the section on removing data if you are interested in filtering the data for
Select a range and click “OK.” A standard Windows “File Save” box should appear pointing to the scaled
data folder. Enter a file name for the exported file and choose the file Save as type; here is where you
may choose 10 minute, 60 minute or WAsP data.
Click “Save.”
A standard status bar will appear showing the progress of the export.
Database Export File Formats
Data can be exported from the database in the following formats: