TC-10 User Manual
version 3.9
page 19
8. Technical Data
Sensor input:
for semiconductor 2252
at 25 °C (standard) or platinum
at 0 °C, accuracy typically 0.1 °C at 25 °C, with
electronic protection
Sensor input (EXT. Mode):
1 mV / °C
disconnects POWER OUTPUT if temperature is below
+3 °C (not connected or broken sensor) or above +60 °C
(short circuited sensor); other ranges possible
Digital displays:
3 1/2 digits, XX.X °C (temperature of SENSOR A or B) or
XX.X V (voltage at power output)
analog input, 10 mV / °C, via BNC connector
Set value control:
digital control, range: up to 60.0 °C (other value possible),
XX.X °C or 0-100% of output voltage (DIRECT mode)
Temperature OUTPUT (A, B): analog outputs, 10mV / °C, via BNC connector, output
impedance: 250
Power output:
max. 12 V / 5 A, short circuit protected, continuous DC
control for the output voltage with a linear range from
0 – 100 %
PI (proportional-integral) controller, accuracy typically
±0.2 °C, gain range 10-10k, integration time 50 ms - 20 s
(logarithmic scale)
Measuring accuracy:
0.1 °C at 25 °C
Power requirements:
115 / 230V AC, 60 / 50 Hz, fuse 3.15 / 1.6 A slow
19” rackmount cabinet 19” (483 mm), 10” (250 mm),
3.5” (88 mm)