TC-10 User Manual
version 3.9
page 16
6. Operating Guide – Tuning Procedure
After unpacking the instrument please check the appropriate voltage at the voltage selector at
the back panel. Also check that the sensor used for the control is in good thermal connection
with the heating wire.
: Make sure that the SENSOR or the external SENSOR, respectively, and the heating
device that is controlled by this SENSOR are using the same channel. Otherwise the heating
device may be damaged due to overheating.
In the following it is assumed that you use heating devices delivered by npi or ALA Scientific
Instr. with 12V operating voltage. Please follow these instructions step by step to avoid
problems in adjusting the instrument.
Turn all potentiometers to the most left position
switch the MODE selector to the position SENSOR A or B depending on which sensor
is used as feedback temperature in the controller loop
set the DESIRED TEMPERATURE to e.g. 37 °C
turn on the instrument and wait at least 15 minutes to warm up the instrument. The
temperature display should show the actual temperature at the sensor
turn the LIMITER to 100%
: If you use heating wires with 6V operating voltage turn the LIMITER to 50% to
protect the wire from damage.
If the difference between the actual and the desired temperature is more than 10 °C the
HEAT-LED will light up slightly.
turn the GAIN to the seventh scale mark
The actual temperature at the sensor now approaches the desired temperature but will not reach
37 °C, because the control loop is not yet well adjusted. The actual temperature will arrest at 1
to 2 °C below the desired temperature. Please wait until this steady state value is reached. This
may last several minutes. If you don’t get a steady state value, set the LIMITER to 80-90% (or
30-40%, respectively) and wait again.