3.4 The Touch Screen
MID operating methods
There are many methods to view the main screen, menu and applications of your
When you want to use the screen keyboard input or choose an application in the
main interface, you only need to touch it with your finger.
Press on
If you want to open an item (textbox or a link in the webpage), or move a shortcut,
you can press on the item.
Deslizamiento rápido o deslizamiento
Por deslizamiento rápido o deslizamiento se entiende un rápido movimiento ver-
tical u horizontal con el dedo o con un lápiz táctil.
Quick swipe or swipe
Quick swipe or swipe indicates making a quick vertical or horizontal movement
with your finger or touch pen on the touch screen.
Before you pull an item, you need to touch and drag it until you pull it into the po-
sition you want.
For most pictures, you only need to rotate the MID sideways to change the screen
direction from horizontal to vertical. For instance, when you are inputting words,
and listening to MP3s.
3.5 Main Interface
The Main interface screen will show all the applications as in the Picture 3-4 below.
You can use applications, shortcuts and define your main interface wallpapers.
Picture 3-4.
Notice column
Voice search
Task Bar
Battery level
Dynamic wallpaper