8.2 Calculator
1. Touch the Calculator application in the application interface.
2. Enter into the basic panel of calculator.
3. Touch the menu key, then select advanced panel.
8.3 File Management
File Explorer
You can use the File Explorer to edit and delete files and folders. You can also use
the FTP service to share resources.
SD card contents
1. In the main interface, touch the ES File Explorer icon ; enter the file explorr
interface, as in Picture 8-2:
2. Touch button on the top of the file explorer
3. In the extended Favorites window, click /mnt/extsd as in Picture 8-3.
4. On the next screen you can view the files in the SD card, as in Picture 8-4
Picture 8-1.
Puede cambiar del panel básico al avanzado y viceversa deslizando la pantalla
hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha.
Picture 8-2.
Picture 8-3.
Picture 8-4.