WAAS G-III Reference Receiver User Manual Rev 1
Chapter 6
Firmware Updates
8. Send the SOFTLOADSREC command to the G-III Reference Receiver through the Data port
9. Verify that the receiver has responded with
10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 until all of the S-Records in the hex file have been read and sent to the G-III
Reference Receiver.
11. Close the firmware update hex file.
A script should be created in a text editor and then run using Python or another similar utility. An example
Python script is shown below. The
, and
may need to be updated
before executing the script to reflect the receiver configuration and file name of the .hex file. Note that using
this sample script with a 13 MB .hex file will take approximately 2 minutes.
import socket
import time
# Default G-III IP address and UDP Port
DataPortIP = ''
UDPPort = 3000
# File name of the .hex file to load one SREC at a time.
SWFileName = 'AW3MM0000RN0000.hex'
# Create the UDP socket to connect to the G-III
s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM )
# Default IP address and UDP port to connect to the G-III
s.connect((DataPortIP, UDPPort))
# Set the timeout to 1 second to receive data
# Variable to hold the SOFTLOADSREC command to be sent to the G-III
scmd = ''
# Variable to hold the response from the receiver
response = ''
# Variable to detect loading failures
LoadingFailure = False
# Print message to screen
print 'Softloading G-III. Please wait...'
# Open the G-III SW .hex file, read in one line at a time
with open(SWFileName, 'r') as hexSWfile:
for line in hexSWfile:
if LoadingFailure == True:
print "Loading Failure."
# Prepare the SREC line to be sent
scmd = 'SOFTLOADSREC ' + line