Nortel Proprietary
3.5 Switch Configuration for Nortel Remote Agent
The Nortel Remote Agent Observe card has 32 ports, 16 of which are configured as
Telephone User Interface (TUI) ports and 16 of which configured as Observe ports.
When a customer dials into the card, a Nortel Remote Agent Observe Session is
Each Nortel Remote Agent Observe session consists of two ports: a TUI port and
an observe port. These ports must be established in pairs with the even number
ports (units 0, 2, 4, 6 etc) configured as TUI ports and the odd numbers ports (units
1, 3, 5, 7 etc) configured as observe ports.
An example configuration of two Nortel Remote Agent Observe sessions is:
Unit 0 as a TUI port with unit 1 as the corresponding observe port,
Unit 2 as a TUI port with unit 3 as the corresponding observe port.
If installing less than 16 Nortel Remote Agent Observe sessions, only the
required number of TUI and observe ports should be configured.
TUI Port Configuration
Overlays 11 and 32 are used to configure TUI ports on the Nortel Remote Agent
Observe card.
The TUI port configuration has changed in version 1.2 of the NRAO NTP.
To update from the previous configuration to the current configuration, see
“Switch Configuration Change ” on page 135.
A round robin approach to answering TUI calls is used rather than the switch
presenting a new call to all idle TUI ports, as occurs when an MCR key is used.
This is achieved by use of SCR keys and a mode of operation known as Hunting.
The Hunt Configuration is only required if more than 1 TUI port is being
Hunting involves linking all configured ports into a chain of DNs.
How hunting works:
An observer calls the SCR key DN on TUI port 0.
If port 0 is idle, then TUI port 0 answers the call. All other TUI ports remain
If port 0 is busy and it is the only TUI port configured then the observer will
hear a busy tone.
Planning, Installation and Administration Guide