
Pred použitím zariadenia si veľmi pozorne prečítajte nasledujúcu
časť. Je to dôležité z hľadiska dosiahnutia najlepšieho výkonu vášho
Ovládací box INVENIO, tyč a rúčka komunikujú bezdrôtovo. Za
normálnych okolností sú ovládací box a tyč s rúčkou spárované pred
odoslaním z továrne. Preto sa spoja priamo pri prvom spustení.
Ak nie je nadviazané žiadne spojenie, postupujte podľa nižšie
uvedených krokov:
1. Uistite sa, že ovládací box a tyč s rúčkou sú vypnuté.
2. Stlačte tlačidlo SCAN na rúčke a prepnite vypínač ON/OFF(ZAP./
VYP.) na tyči do polohy ON/ZAP. LED svetlo na rúčke začne blikať
na červeno.
3. Na ovládacom boxe stlačte najskôr tlačidlo Zoom In/Priblížiť.
Tlačidlo držte stlačené a zapnite ovládací box. Keď je párovanie
úspešné, LED dióda dvakrát zabliká na zeleno a zhasne. Teraz
môžete tlačidlo pustiť.
4. Po dokončení párovania sa ovládací box, tyč a rúčka po spustení
automaticky pripoja.
POZNÁMKA: Počas párovania môžete počuť zvuk reléového obvodu v
tyči, čo je normálne.
Stav bezdrôtového pripojenia môžete sledovať pomocou ikony WiFi
na INFO lište umiestnenej v spodnej časti obrazovky. Ak je ikona
zelená, znamená to, že existuje pripojenie. Ak je ikona červená,
znamená to, že nie je pripojenie.
Ak je Wireless Shaft Channel/kanál bezdrôtovej tyče vypnutý v
OPTIONS/MOŽNOSTIACH, spojenie sa stratí, LED dióda na rúčke
začne blikať na červeno a ikona WiFi na INFO lište sa tiež zmení na
Podobne, ak sa spojenie z akéhokoľvek dôvodu stratí, LED dióda na
rúčke začne blikať na červeno. Keď sa spojenie obnoví, LED dióda
dvakrát zabliká na zeleno.
Všetky režimy INVENIO, okrem Ground Anomaly & Cavity(pôdne
anomálie a dutiny), fungujú v 2 rôznych detekčných obrazovkách –
jedna s a jedna bez IPTU senzora. Režim Ground Anomaly &
Cavity(pôdne anomálie a dutiny) bude fungovať iba na detekčnej
obrazovke so senzorom. Výber detekčnej obrazovky nemá priamy
vplyv na fungovanie režimov. Hlavný rozdiel medzi týmito 2
obrazovkami je nasledovný: Pri vyhľadávaní na detekčnej
obrazovke bez senzora IPTU zariadenie detekuje ciele a zobrazuje
iba ich ID. Na druhej strane, pri vyhľadávaní na detekčnej
obrazovke s IPTU senzorom prístroj okrem hodnoty ID poskytuje aj
hĺbku, tvar a 3D grafy cieľov.
1. Najprv nastavte dĺžku tyče a uhol cievky do vyhľadávacej polohy.
Potom položte cievku na rovný povrch, nastavte jej uhol tak, aby bol
rovnobežný so zemou a oprite ju o pevný predmet, ako je strom, skala
alebo stena. Ak ju nemáte o čo oprieť, držte ju stabilne rukou.
2. Zapnite ovládací box a tyč s rúčkou.
3. Stlačte tlačidlo SETTINGS/NASTAVENIA a zvoľte „Calibrate the
sensor'' (Kalibrovať senzor).
4. Stlačte tlačidlo OK a počkajte, kým sa dokončí proces kalibrácie.
Keď je indikátor priebehu plný, kalibrácia sa dokončí a zariadenie
sa automaticky vráti na detekčnú obrazovku zvoleného režimu.
POZNÁMKA: Ak budete vyhľadávať pomocou detekčnej obrazovky
bez senzora IPTU, nemusíte vykonať proces kalibrácie.
Najmä ak budete používať niektorý z bezpohybových režimov, musíte
pred začatím detekcie vykonať vyváženie zeme. Vyváženie hrá veľkú
úlohu pri minimalizácii falošných signálov a získavaní tvarov cieľa.
Všetky podrobnosti týkajúce sa vyváženia zeme sú vysvetlené v
príslušných častiach príručky.
Ak chcete získať presné údaje na detekčnej obrazovke so senzorom
IPTU, najprv sa uistite, že je senzor správne kalibrovaný.
Pri detekcii na tejto obrazovke je výška cievky nad zemou kritická pre
získanie presných údajov senzorom. Z tohto dôvodu dávajte pozor na
indikátor výšky na obrazovke. Ideálna výška vyhľadávania je na
indikátore zobrazená zelenou farbou. Ak chcete pri vyhľadávaní a
skenovaní dosiahnuť čo najlepšie výsledky, dávajte pozor, aby sa
cievka nachádzala v zelenej oblasti.
Počas detekcie na tejto obrazovke môžete vidieť pohyby cievky v
reálnom čase na 3D detekčnej ploche. Keď sa cievka pohybuje
dopredu alebo dozadu, 3D detekčná plocha sa bude posúvať. Oblasti
naskenované cez vyhľadávaciu cievku budú na obrazovke zafarbené
sivou farbou. Môžete vidieť, akú veľkú plochu ste naskenovali
priblížením a oddialením sa. Keď priblížite alebo oddialite zobrazenie,
cieľové signály a vyhľadávacia cievka sa tiež priblížia alebo oddialia.
Priblíženie neovplyvňuje zmenu mierky zeme. Napríklad, ak cievka
skenuje oblasť 1 meter, zatiaľ čo sa maximálne priblížite alebo
vzdialite, celková naskenovaná oblasť bude na obrazovke s
výsledkami stále zobrazená ako 1 meter.
Funkcia TRACE: Keď stlačíte tlačidlo TRACE a aktivujete túto funkciu,
obrazovka bude sledovať cievku a otáčať sa rovnakým smerom. Keď
stlačíte tlačidlo TRACE, na INFO lište sa zobrazí slovo TRACE.
Keď detekujete cieľ na detekčnej obrazovke so senzorom IPTU, ID
cieľa sa zobrazí kurzorom na farebnej stupnici ID v hornej časti
obrazovky. Zároveň bude signál získaný z cieľa zobrazený s 3D
grafom a zafarbený podľa typu cieľa. Železné kovy sú označené
červenou farbou, zlato/neželezné kovy žltou a neželezné kovy sú
označené zelenou farbou. Okrem toho sa hĺbka detekovaného cieľa
okamžite zobrazí na indikátore hĺbky.
Počas vyhľadávania na tejto obrazovke sa môžu na lište Drift-Metal/
Posun-Kov v spodnej časti vyskytnúť posuny v oboch smeroch. Keď
sa pruh zaplní v smere DRIFT/POSUN, na 3D detekčnej ploche sa nič
nezobrazí a zariadenie nebude produkovať žiadny zvuk.
direction on the other hand, a flat, continuous graph will appear on the
detection ground, and the device will produce an audio response.
In such a case, pull the trigger towards you once and release it to
manually retune the device. If the drifts are still present, you can use
the AutoReset and Stabilizer settings to eliminate the drifts. Please
read the relevant sections of the manual for more details.
The 3D signal graph will stay on screen as long as you do not move
the search coil. Once you move the coil, it will stay on screen for about
3 minutes and then disappear. As the 3D detection ground slides, the
signals may fall outside the screen. If you go back to the spots where
you obtained the signals within 3 minutes, you can see the 3D graphs
In detection screen with the IPTU sensor, you can use the CLR button
to clean the screen. Each time you press the CLR button, all data on
screen will be erased and the search coil will go to the origin and will
be centered on screen.
You can magnify and reduce the target signals with the up and down
The usage details mentioned above are common for all modes except
for the Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode. For Ground Anomaly & Cavity
mode, please read the next section.
Searching in Ground Anomaly & Cavity Mode
The most important thing you need to know before using this mode
is that this mode, different than the other modes, is not a ''detection''
mode but rather a ''survey'' mode. In this mode, the device will detect all
ground anomalies and cavities. Anomalies include, but are not limited to
the below: Different soil types within the same area, mineralized rocks,
disturbed ground etc. etc. Similarly the cavities can be listed as: Rooms,
tunnels, caves, cellars and graves underground. It is recommended that
this mode should not be used in random fields but only in places with
limited size where you suspect the presence of a cavity.
Before starting to use this mode, first be sure that the IPTU sensor is
properly calibrated.
Retune height will be shown on the height indicator. By lifting the coil
up to the retune height, pull the trigger back once and release. The
sweep height will be marked on the height indicator. Lower the coil to
the sweep height and start searching. While searching, the coil must
stay within the green area on the indicator. This is very important for
the device to perform correct computations.
In the Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode, all signals obtained from
ground with the movement of the coil (ground effect, ground anomaly,
cavity or metal), are indicated by painting on the screen. When you
first start searching, the 3D graph of the signal obtained from ground
appears bigger and stronger for a short period of time. Then it goes
back to normal. For the device to perform accurate computation in this
mode, it has to collect data for a certain period of time. Therefore, it is
recommended that you scan an area of minimum 5-10m² (54-108ft²)
around the suspected area.
In this mode, ground effect is indicated by yellow, metals and positive
hot rocks by red, and ground anomaly and cavity are indicated by gray
or blue color, based on the strength of the signal. In high mineralization,
the device may paint in red color just like in positive hot rocks.
In addition, the signals of targets painted in red are shown with a peak
facing upwards and the signals of targets painted in gray and blue are
shown with a pit facing downwards.
In this mode, the device does not provide any audio response. All
targets and signals are only shown visually on screen. For this reason,
you must follow the screen carefully while searching in this more. If
needed, you can zoom in and out on the screen.
If a metal or a positive hot rock is detected, the target ID will be
displayed on the ID bar at the top. The target ID bar in this mode is
white and not colored like the other modes.
In this mode, targets with IDs between 0-10 or above 97
indicate positive hot rocks. Sometimes mineralized and volcanic rocks
may generate such IDs and the presence of ground anomalies is very
common around them. Therefore, cavity signals obtained in such areas
may not always belong to real cavities.
The 3D signal graph will stay on screen as long as you do not move
the search coil just like in the other modes. Once you move the coil,
it will stay on screen for about 6 minutes and then disappear. As the
3D detection ground slides, the signals may fall outside the screen.
If you go back to the spots where you obtained the signals within 6
minutes, you can see the 3D graphs again.
Scan function works in non-motion modes only. The device will not
switch to scan screen in motion modes!
To be able to obtain the 3D graphs and the shapes of the detected
targets in the search screen with the IPTU sensor, you must perform
a scan. In order to do this, please follow the steps below :
First, step away from the area where you get the target signal.
Then, press the scan button once and release. The device will switch
to the scan screen. Different than the detection screen, the scan screen
is a white, chequered ground.
Press and hold the clear button. When you see the coil centered on
the screen, release the button.
By pressing and holding the scan button, swing the coil left to right
slowly and scan over the target, starting from a bit away from where
the signal is starting and until the coil is completely off the target
signal. The most important things you should pay attention to while
scanning are holding the search coil stable and parallel to the ground,
and slightly overlapping each sweep with no gaps in between. You
can see the gaps clearly on screen. If you are in the Ground Anomaly
& Cavity mode, keeping the search coil height within the green area
on the indicator is also very important.
Do not let go of the SCAN button as long as you hear the target
signal. If the SCAN button is released and pressed again, the shapes
will not be correct and there will be gaps between the start and finish
points of the scan.
Except for the Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode, the areas where the
device receives a signal will be painted in red. In the Ground Anomaly
& Cavity mode, on the other hand, when you first start scanning, the
painting will be in red or blue for a short period of time independent
from the target. Then the painting will be done according to the metal
type just like in the search screen.
Once the scanning is completed, if you swing the search coil over
the edges of the scanned area with short sweeps and clean out the
spots with no target signals, the device will obtain a much better raw
Once the scanning is completed, release the scan button.
If you want, you can scan multiple targets at the same time by holding
the SCAN button pressed or scan them one by one by pressing and
releasing the SCAN button each time. In each case, the 3D graphs and
shapes of all targets will appear in a single result screen.
Targets with a signal strength of more than 40 on the
Drift-Metal bar located on the bottom of the screen (not present in
the Ground Anomaly & Cavity) will yield better shapes. For weak
signals with a signal strength of less than 40, you can increase the
sensitivity to boost the signal strength.
In the scan screen, if you scan over the targets without pressing
the SCAN button, the device will produce an audio response but will not
paint on screen. If you press the OK button in such a case, the device
will go to the result screen but the screen will be blank.
The timing for refreshing the scan screen (data to be erased from
screen) is around 8 minutes for non-motion and motion modes and
around 16 minutes for the Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode. In the
scan screen, different than the detection screens, the visible parts of
the screen will be cleared.
If strong drifts occur once you go to the scan screen,
first pull the trigger toward you once and release to manually retune
the device. If the drifts are still present, press the BACK button to go
to the detection screen. Then press the SETTINGS button, select the
AutoReset option and adjust it to a level to eliminate the drifts. In case
the drifts are still present, go to the scan screen, press the SETTINGS
button and lower the sensitivity level.
If overload occurs in the scan screen, you need to press
the SETTINGS button and lower the sensitivity.
To measure the field by scan process :
You can use the scan process just to measure the field you are in. In
order to do this, press and hold the SCAN button, start walking in a
straight direction and scan without swinging the coil. You can apply
this process in all fields with different shapes, circular or square. Once
the scanning is completed, release the SCAN button and press OK. An
empty result screen will appear on screen. Press the OK button again
and the scanned area will be shown linearly. By using the scale on the
screen, you can see the dimensions of the scanned area with 94% -
97% accuracy.
The sample image below belongs to a result screen of a 200x250cm.
(6.7'x8.3') scanned area.
While searching in the detection screen without the IPTU sensor,
all target signals including false signals are shown on a running
oscilloscope window with 2D graphs. Based on metal type, the target
signal is shown in the same color as the ID bar at the top. The IDs
filtered out by the Discrimination setting are indicated by gray color
but the device does not provide an audio response for these targets.
Upon target detection, the 2D graph of the target signal will peak
according to the signal strength. You can magnify or reduce the signal
graph with the zoom function. Upon target detection, the Drift-Metal
bar will fill up in the METAL direction and the ID of the target is shown
both in the target ID window at the bottom and with a cursor on the
color target ID bar at the top.
While searching in this screen, drifts may happen in both directions on
the Drift-Metal bar. When the bar fills up in the DRIFT direction, nothing
will be displayed on the oscilloscope and the device will not produce
any audio. When the drift happens in the METAL direction on the other
hand, a flat, continuous graph will appear on the oscilloscope, and the
device will produce an audio response.
In such a case, first pull the trigger towards you once and release it to
manually retune the device. If the drifts are still present, you can use
the Stabilizer setting to eliminate the drifts. However, please remember
that as the Stabilizer setting is increased, the device may detect weaker
signals but will not be able to detect the targets anymore if you hold
the coil stationary or sweep back and forth over the target.