
Save function works in all modes except for the Basic and Ground
Anomaly & Cavity modes.
Mode Defaults
This is used to set the mode settings back to factory defaults. It
restores the factory defaults for the mode currently in use and does
not change the settings of other modes or the options of the device.
When you select Mode Defaults, the warning message ''Current mode
will be restored to factory defaults. Are you sure you want to continue?''
will appear. When OK is pressed the message ''Please wait…'' and the
progress bar will appear. When the bar is full, the device will revert back
to the detection screen automatically.
Mode Defaults function works in all modes except for the Basic and
Ground Anomaly & Cavity modes.
Calibrate the sensor
The IPTU sensor must calculate its height and angle to be able to
Allows you to access the settings while in detection, scanning and
result screens.
You can navigate between the options with the up and down buttons.
Settings appear in white when unselected. They turn orange when
When you press the SETTINGS button, mode is the first option selected.
Allows you to select the search mode which you have determined based
on targets and your search field. Select the mode using the directional
buttons. The selected mode will be framed in orange and it will be active
instantly! To exit the screen, press OK, BACK or SETTINGS.
It is the depth setting of the device. It is also used to eliminate the
ambient electromagnetic signals from the surrounding environment
and noise signals transmitted from ground.
To obtain maximum depth performance, to eliminate the noise
caused by electromagnetic interference, try shifting the frequency first.
In the INVENIO Pro, when the frequency shifting is not sufficient for
eliminating noise, you can also change the operating frequency (5kHz
/ 14kHz / 20kHz) of the device.
Sensitivity setting range is 1-99 and pre-defined for each mode. All
modes start at default settings. They can be manually modified when
necessary. Sensitivity adjustment applies to the selected mode; the
modified setting does not affect the sensitivity setting of the other
When sensitivity is selected, the colored adjustment bar is displayed
on screen. You can adjust the sensitivity between 1-99 using the plus
(+) and minus (-) buttons. The adjusted level will be indicated by orange
color on the bar and it will also be shown numerically inside the cursor.
If the ground is highly mineralized causing the device to
overload, decrease the sensitivity level until the ''Overload'' message
disappears from the screen.
There is no sensitivity setting in the Ground Anomaly & Cavity
Sensitivity in Non-Motion Modes
Sensitivity in Basic Mode :
The factory default for the sensitivity setting is optimized in this
mode. If environmental and ground conditions allow, you can get more
detection depth by increasing the sensitivity setting.
During searching, if sudden changes in weather conditions, different
ground structures or environmental noise is causing negative or
positive drifts, re-ground balance before you change the sensitivity
level. If the drifts continue, pull the trigger towards you once and
release it to manually retune the device. If the drifts still continue
frequently, drop the sensitivity gradually and re-ground balance.
Sensitivity in Expert Mode :
In cases where you want to change the sensitivity setting (sudden
changes in weather conditions, different ground structures or
environmental noise) first re-ground balance. If there are many
negative or positive drifts after re-ground balancing, pull the trigger
towards you once and release it to manually retune the device. If
the drifts are still present, select ''Stabilizer'' from the settings and
increase the ''AutoReset'' level.
Despite all of the above-mentioned, if the drifts still exist, set the
AutoReset to 1, drop the sensitivity gradually and re-ground balance.
For detailed information on other settings, please read the relevant
sections of the manual.
If environmental and ground conditions allow, you can get more
detection depth by increasing the sensitivity setting.
Sensitivity in Motion Modes
Sensitivity in All Metal Mode :
In the All Metal mode, sensitivity setting causes an increase or decrease
in the popping sounds and false signals. Sensitivity setting is a personal
preference. However, It is important to set the sensitivity setting to the
highest level possible where no major popping sounds are heard to
avoid missing smaller and deeper targets. For example; if the noise level
is suitable for searching and is the same at sensitivity levels 40 and
70, then 70 should be preferred. Using the factory default levels will be
a good starting point until you get familiar and experienced with the
Sensitivity in fast and Deep Modes :
Since the threshold setting is not available in the discrimination modes,
you can increase the depth of the device or ensure noise-free operation
on different grounds only by using the sensitivity setting.
In order to adjust the sensitivity in Fast and Deep modes, first ground
balance while the sensitivity is at its default setting. After ground
balance is completed, hold the search coil stationary or swing over the
ground at search height. Reduce the sensitivity if the device receives
noise. If not (ensure that the Discrimination is also at its default settings
when checking this), increase the sensitivity gradually until there is no
popping sound. If the device starts to receive noise during searching,
reduce the sensitivity gradually.
Because the Deep mode offers maximum depth, it is a bit noisier
than the other modes. However, due to the design characteristics of this
mode, the noise will be more in the air versus in the ground. Take this
fact into consideration when adjusting the sensitivity level.
This setting is intended for use by more experienced users; hence it is
present in the Expert mode only.
This setting enables you to see the signals on screen which fall below
the threshold (falses, ground changes and metal) ; hence normally not
The device sets the threshold and subthreshold levels automatically
according to the sensitivity level. As the sensitivity increases, threshold
level decreases. In other words, the subthreshold area gets narrower.
Similarly, as the sensitivity decreases, the threshold level increases
and the subthreshold area gets wider. In summary, the Subthreshold
setting enables you to see the signals which fall in this area and which
are normally not audible or visible.
Subthreshold setting consists of 10 levels adjustable with the plus (+)
and minus (-) buttons. 0 is the factory default. As the subthreshold
level is increased, the inaudible signals will be shown in gray color.
The device will not discriminate signals that fall under the threshold level.
TIP: Ak je signál detekovaný s nastavením subthreshold silný a
môžete zvýšiť úroveň citlivosti, môžete signál posunúť nad
threshold úroveň a urobiť ho počuteľným okamžitým zvýšením
citlivosti. Týmto spôsobom môžete skontrolovať signál a zistiť, aký
je to cieľ.
Audio Boost
/Zosilnenie zvuky
Zosilňuje zvuk slabých signálov prijímaných z malých alebo hlbokých
cieľov, čím vám uľahčuje ich detekciu. Je aktívny v režime All Metal
(všetky kovy) a Expert. Odporúča sa, aby sa zosilnenie zvuku použilo
dočasne alebo podľa potreby, pretože to nielen zosilní zvuk cieľového
signálu, ale tiež zvýši hlasitosť rušenia zeme a falošných signálov
spolu so signálom treshold.
Zosilnenie zvuku pozostáva z 5 úrovní. V predvolenom výrobnom
nastavení je úroveň zosilnenia zvuku nastavená na 3 v režime All
Metal (všetky kovy) a 5 v režime Expert. Ak chcete zvýšiť úroveň
zosilnenia zvuku, použite tlačidlá plus (+) a mínus (-).
Diskriminácia je schopnosť zariadenia ignorovať všetky kovy pod
určitou hodnotou ID cieľa. V procese diskriminácie sa filtrovaný
rozsah ID zobrazuje na farebnej stupnici ID v hornej časti obrazovky
čiernou farbou. Napríklad, ak nastavíte Diskrimináciu na 30, hodnoty
0-30 na stupnici ID sa zobrazia čiernou farbou a zariadenie nebude
produkovať zvukový signál pre žiadne kovy s ID medzi 0-30.
Diskrimináciu nie je možné použiť v základnom režime a v režime
Ground Anomaly & Cavity (pôdne anomálie a dutiny). Predvolené
výrobné nastavenie pre diskrimináciu je 0 pre režimy Expert a All
(všetky kovy) a 10 pre ostatné.
Keď je vybratá diskriminácia, na obrazovke sa zobrazí farebná
stupnica s kurzorom zobrazujúcim úroveň diskriminácie. Úroveň
môžete upraviť pomocou tlačidiel plus (+) a mínus (-). Nastavená
úroveň bude indikovaná čiernou farbou na stupnici a bude tiež
zobrazená číselne vo vnútri kurzora.
Ak chcete zmeniť hodnotu diskriminácie, stlačte tlačidlo SETTINGS/
NASTAVENIA a vyberte položku Diskriminácia. Znížte alebo zvýšte
hodnotu pomocou tlačidiel plus (+) alebo mínus (-).
Pamätajte, že niektoré ciele, iné ako tie, ktoré chcete ignorovať, môžu byť pri
použití nastavenia diskriminácie tiež vynechané alebo ich signály môžu byť
V prípade prijatia viacerých hodnôt ID pre rovnaký cieľ – povedzme 35 a 55
– kvôli orientácii cieľa alebo samotnému zloženiu kovu, ak diskrimináciu
nastavíte na 40, pretože 35 bude spadať do filtrovaného rozsahu, sila
signálu, ako aj hĺbkový výkon sa môžu znížiť.
POZNÁMKA: Nastavenie diskriminácie funguje nepriamo úmerne
hĺbkovým výkonom až do úrovne 49 v režimoch Fast (rýchly) a Deep
(hlboký). Inými slovami, so zvyšujúcou sa diskrimináciou sa zvýši stabilita,
ale hĺbkový výkon sa zníži a naopak. Nad 49 sa však zvýši hĺbkový výkon
aj rušenie.
Toto nastavenie je dostupné v režime Expert a All Metal (všetky
kovy), ale v týchto režimoch má rôzne funkcie:
Stabilizátor v režime expert:
Táto funkcia má 2 podnastavenia: AutoReset a Stabilizátor. Tieto 2
nastavenia sú zobrazené vpravo a vľavo v tom istom okne. Stabilizátor
pozostáva z 5 úrovní zobrazených v béžovej farbe, AutoReset
pozostáva z 3 úrovní zobrazených sivou farbou. Upravená úroveň
oboch nastavení je zobrazená oranžovou farbou. Ak nie je prítomný
žiadny oranžový pruh, znamená to, že obe nastavenia sú vypnuté.
AutoReset a Stabilizátor nemožno použiť súčasne. Inými slovami, keď je
jeden aktívny, druhý bude vypnutý a nedá sa použiť.
Funkcia AutoReset je aktívna na obrazovke detekcie iba so senzorom
IPTU. Na druhej strane stabilizátor možno použiť v oboch detekčných
Tieto nastavenia sa používajú na elimináciu posunov spôsobených
pôdnymi a teplotnými zmenami. Posuny môžu byť pozitívne alebo
negatívne. Počas záporných posunov sa lišta Drift-Metal/Posun-
Kov v spodnej časti obrazovky posunie doľava v smere DRIFT/
POSUN. Pretože pozitívne posuny majú rovnaký efekt ako kov,
spôsobia, že sa lišta naplní doprava, v smere METAL/KOV.
Aby ste tieto posuny eliminovali, najskôr potiahnite spúšťač
smerom k sebe a uvoľnite ho, aby ste zariadenie manuálne
preladili. Ak sú posuny značné a preladenie situáciu nezlepší,
postupujte podľa nasledujúcich krokov:
Ak skenujete pomocou senzora IPTU, postupne zvyšujte nastavenie
AutoReset, kým sa posuny neodstránia. Na úrovni 3 môže
zariadenie vynechať slabé signály. Preto, ak máte podozrenie na
prítomnosť kovu, znížte úroveň AutoReset, aby ste znova
preskenovali to miesto
Ak posuny pokračujú, môžete zvýšiť nastavenie stabilizátora na 5, aby
ste ich odstránili. Keď sa úroveň stabilizátora zvýši, zariadenie môže
detekovať slabšie signály, ale už nebude schopné detekovať ciele, ak
podržíte cievku nehybnú alebo budete prechádzať cez cieľ tam a späť.
Ak skenujete bez senzora IPTU, posuny môžete eliminovať
zvýšením nastavenia stabilizátora, pretože na tejto obrazovke nie
je k dispozícii AutoReset.
not available in this screen. Therefore, you can set the Stabilizer to
maximum levels to get rid of the drifts but keep in mind that as the
Stabilizer is increased, the device may detect weaker signals but
will not be able to detect the targets anymore if you hold the coil
stationary or sweep back and forth over the target.
You can increase the Stabilizer setting only in the
detection screen. Once you go to scan screen, the device will set the
Stabilizer setting to 1. AutoReset, on the other hand, will stay at the
last adjusted level.
When switching from detection screen with the IPTU
sensor to detection screen without the IPTU sensor, do not forget to
readjust the Stabilizer setting!
If environmental and ground changes do not cause any drifts,
we recommend that you turn the AutoReset and Stabilizer settings
off in detection screens with and without the sensor respectively.
Stabilizer in All Metal Mode :
For the All Metal mode to perform accurately, a stable threshold sound
is necessary. You cannot search in the All Metal mode without ground
balancing. Changes that occur in the soil structure and mineralization
levels after ground balancing, may cause a rise or fall in the background
hum and disrupt the threshold's stability which will result in false
signals and thus missing signals of small metals. Stabilizer adjusts the
speed that the device recovers its threshold hum and eliminates the
negative effects of mineralized soils. Increasing the Stabilizer level in
high mineralization will enable a more stable operation by avoiding false
signals. This, however, may cause some loss in depth and it is normal.
: In high mineralization, if you receive too many false signals
without disruption in the threshold hum, lower the sensitivity first
before increasing the Stabilizer. If the false signals continue, set the
sensitivity back to its original value and increase the Stabilizer.
If the mineralization is low, you can decrease the Stabilizer level and
sweep the coil more slowly for a deeper detection.
Stabilizer consists of 10 levels. The device will start at level 6. It is
recommended that Stabilizer should be increased in high-mineralization
and decreased in low mineralization.
Audio Tone
Allows you to change the target audio response tones and the
threshold sound according to your preference. For each metal group
(Ferrous, Gold/Non-Ferrous, Non-Ferrous) the frequency can be
adjusted between 150 Hz (15) and 700 Hz (70).
In the Audio Tone feature, metal groups mentioned above will be
indicated by different colors: Ferrous metals by red, gold/non-ferrous
metals by yellow and non-ferrous metals by green. The cursor on
each metal group will display the frequency of the audio tone.
To adjust the Audio Tone, select the metal group of which you want
to change the tone of, by using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. The
cursor will turn orange. Then, press the OK button and using the plus
(+) and minus (-) buttons again, adjust the frequency.
Audio Tone feature is not present in the Basic and Ground Anomaly &
Cavity modes.
If the tone break points of metal groups are changed with the Tone
Break setting, the tone frequencies selected by the Audio Tone setting
will apply to the new ID ranges. Details about the Tone Break setting
are given on the next page.
In the All Metal Mode, search is performed with a continuous humming
sound in the background, also referred to as the threshold sound. The
loudness of this hum directly impacts the detection depth of smaller
and deeper targets and it is adjusted by the Threshold setting. If the
threshold is set too high, a weak target signal may not be heard. On the
contrary, if the threshold is too low, you give up the depth advantage
this setting offers. In other words, weak signals of smaller or deeper
targets may be missed. It is recommended for average users to leave
this setting at its default value and for experienced users to adjust to
the highest level where they can still hear the weak target signals.
When threshold is selected, the colored adjustment bar is displayed
on screen. Threshold ranges between 1-99. The factory default is set
to 26. You can adjust the threshold level using the plus (+) and minus
(-) buttons. The adjusted level will also be shown numerically inside
the cursor.
Threshold level is directly related to the Sensitivity and Stabilizer
settings. Please be sure to read the related sections of the manual
Threshold setting works in the All Metal mode only.
When tracking is on, the device continuously tracks the changing
ground structures and automatically reconfigures the ground balance
setting. The invisible changes in ground affect the detection depth
as well as the discrimination ability of the device so it is possible to
operate the device at higher performance using this feature under
suitable ground conditions.
When tracking is activated, the word ''Tracking'' will be displayed at
the top of the ground balance window and the ground balance value
changes will also be show in the same window.
Tracking does not work in non-motion modes. When tracking is
active, if you switch to a non-motion mode, tracking will be deactivated
and it will automatically be active again if you switch back to a motion
For more information on tracking, please refer to the relevant sections
of the manual.
It is used to eliminate false signals caused by ground noise or hot
rocks when searching in Fast or Deep modes. It consists of 3 levels.
Its factory default value is set to 1. You can change the value using the
plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. The adjusted value is shown in orange.
If there are no orange bars, it means that iMask is off.
If the device receives a lot of false signals due to highly mineralized soil
or hot rocks in Fast or Deep modes, first re-ground balance. If the false
signals continue, lower the Sensitivity and check again. In case the false
signals still exist, try increasing the Discrimination value. Regardless of
all these, if the false signals still exist, first change the Sensitivity and
Discrimination values back to their previous levels. Then, increase the
iMask level until the false signals are eliminated.
At the maximum level of iMask false signals will disappear or will be
minimized. However, in some cases, increasing the iMask will result in
loss of depth for certain metals such as copper.
When detecting in 20kHz with the INVENIO Pro on wet or highly
mineralized ground, in order not to miss smaller high conductive metals
(silver, copper etc.) it is recommended not to increase the iMask level too
If the ground is not highly mineralized or does not contain many
hot rocks, setting the iMask to ''0'' is recommended.
Notch Filter
Notch Filter is the ability of the device to discriminate single or multiple
Target IDs by not emitting an audio response for them.
Although Notch Filter may seem similar to Discrimination at first
glance, these two settings have different functions. While the
Discrimination filters out all IDs between 0 and the set value, the
Notch Filter discriminates IDs out individually.
With the Notch Filter, you can reject a single ID or multiple IDs at the
same time. This process does not affect any IDs below or above the
selected IDs. For example, you can filter out IDs between 31-35 as well
as 50 simultaneously.
Notch Filter setting is available in Fast and Deep modes only.
How To Use The Notch Filter Setting
Notch Filter cannot be used within the Discrimination range. In other
words, if the Discrimination is set to 15, Notch Filter can only be applied
to IDs 16 or higher. If you want to notch out IDs 15 or below, first you
need to change the Discrimination value.
To use the Notch Filter, press the SETTINGS button and using the up
and down buttons, select it from the options. On the colored ID bar on
screen, the first ID that you can filter out will be displayed inside the
cursor. For example, if the Discrimination is set to 15, when you select
Notch Filter, number 16 will be displayed inside the cursor.
Let's say you want to reject IDs between 20-25 and 40. Using the plus
(+) and minus (-) buttons, select number 20 and press OK. The cursor will
turn orange and number 20 will be marked with a black line on the ID
bar. Then, using the plus (+) button, go to number 25 and press OK. Now,
the 20-25 interval will be marked in black on the ID bar. At the same
time, the first number of the notched out range (20) will be displayed
under the bar and the last number of the range (25) will be displayed
above the ID bar. Now, using the plus (+) button again, go to number 40
and press OK. Similarly, number 40 will be marked with a black line.
To accept back the filtered IDs, select Notch Filter from SETTINGS. The
cursor will be appear where you last left it and it will be white. Using
the plus (+) or the minus (-) button, move the cursor onto the ID you
want to accept and press OK. Along with the cursor, the black line will
turn orange and the notched out number on screen will disappear.
Iron Audio
It adjusts or turns off the volume of the low iron tone. It consists of 5
levels adjustable with the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. Factory default
is the maximum level. The adjusted level is indicated with orange color.
5 is the maximum level. As you lower it, the audio response volume
the device produces for ferrous metals will decrease. When it is off,
the iron audio will be silenced. In other words, the device will detect
ferrous targets, the Target ID will be displayed on the screen but the
device will not produce any audio response.
Iron Audio is active in Fast and Deep modes only.
Tone Break
In Fast and Deep modes, this setting is used to adjust the break points
of the target response tones on the Target ID range. Tone Break points
are different in these 2 modes. By using the Tone Break feature, for
each metal group (Ferrous, Gold/Non-Ferrous, Non-Ferrous) you can
change the point where the low tone changes into the higher tone.
When the Tone Break setting is selected, the tone break points of the
metal groups will be shown inside the cursor on the colored ID bar. There
are 2 tone break points in the Fast mode and 1 in the Deep mode.
To change the tone break points, go to the break point you want to
change by using the right and left buttons and press OK. Then, adjust
it using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. While adjusting, the number
in the cursor will change and the cursor will move on the ID bar.
To give an example for the above explanation; let's say you are in
the Fast mode and you want to change the Tone Break points. First,
select Tone Break from SETTINGS. The ID bar and the tone break
points of the metal groups will be displayed on the screen. Using the
directional buttons, let's say you increased the ferrous metal tone
break point from 40 to 45. Then, you decreased the tone break point
of the gold/non-ferrous metal group from 66 to 55. In this case, the
device will produce a low iron tone for all metals with IDs less than 45,
a medium tone for metals with IDs 45-55 and a high tone for metals
with IDs equal to and greater than 55 (If you have also adjusted the
Audio Tones, the selected frequency will apply to the new ID ranges).
INVENIO allows you to save your settings during searching. Once you
saved your settings, the device will start with the saved settings upon
next start up.
Save function saves the changes made in other modes as well,
regardless of the mode you are in when you perform the save
function. The device starts in the last mode where the save function
was performed.
Save function saves all settings except for the ground balance, tracking
and frequency shift.
provide accurate data. For this reason, you must calibrate the sensor
upon start up.
First, adjust the shaft length and coil angle to searching position. To
calibrate the sensor, place the search coil on a flat surface, adjust
the search coil angle so that it is parallel with the ground and lean it
against a fixed object such as a tree, rock or a wall. If there is no place
to lean it against, hold it stable with your hand. Press the SETTINGS
button and select ''Calibrate the sensor''. The message ''Please place
the coil on a flat surface as shown in the figure and press ok will be
displayed on screen. Press the OK button. You will see the message ''
Calibrating the sensor, please wait.'' Once the progress bar is full, the
calibration will be completed and the device will automatically revert
to the selected mode's detection screen.