Nivis Versa Router 1100 Titan - User Guide
Page 39 of 111
Disable observation for target resource
HTTP query:
http:// observe-resources-set?disable=1&device=device_ipv6_addr&path=resource_path
HTTP response:
If the request is well formed and the resource is found in the Observation List, a 200 "OK" “Observation
request for UNSUBSCRIPTION passed forward" message will be retrieved to the client. This is a sign that
the request was processed and the HttpCoapProxy will unsubscribe from observing specified resource.
If the request is well formed, but the resource is not found in the Observation List, a 200 "OK"
"Observation request for UNSUBSCRIPTION wasn't passed forward, maybe resource is not in
observation list" message will be retrieved to client.
If the request is not well formed, a 400 “Bad Request" response will be retrieved.