Read Both Channels Measurement Query
This query returns the last valid measurements taken from both channels.
The units of the measurements are the units defined at the time the readings
were made. Because it is possible to make this query faster than measure-
ments are actually being taken, the values returned by successive queries may
be multiple reports of a single measurements.
To ensure that fresh data is being read the NVDA(new valid data available) bit in
the Status Byte can be checked either by issuing a serial poll or by using the
*STB? command. A serial poll is recommended if the GPIB interface is being used.
The NVDA bit will be 1 if the last valid measurement has not been read. The
NVDA bit for a specific channel will be reset to 0 immediately after a measurement
is queried from that channel and will stay 0 until a new valid reading is taken. A
valid reading is a reading that would return a status of 0 using the RWS? query.
<number>, <number>
or <number>
<number> is a floating point number in the exponential format.
If two channels are running simultaneously then, both are returned separated
by a comma.
Related Commands:
*STB?, MODE_n, MODE_n?, R_n?, RWS?, RWS_n?,
Read Single Channel Measurement Query
where n is either A or B
This query returns the last valid measurements taken from the specified channel.
The units of the measurements are the units defined at the time the reading was
made. Because it is possible to make this query faster than measurements are
actually being taken, the values returned by successive queries may be multiple
reports of a single measurements. To ensure that fresh data is being read the
NVDA(new valid data available) bit in the Status Byte can be checked either by
issuing a serial poll or by using the *STB? command. A serial poll is recom-
mended if the GPIB interface is being used. The NVDA bit will be 1 if the last
valid measurement has not been read. The NVDA bit for the specified channel
will be reset to 0 immediately after a measurement is queried from that channel
and will stay 0 until a new valid reading is taken. A valid reading is a reading
that would return a status of 0 using the RWS? query.
<number> is a floating point number in the exponential format.
Related Commands:
*STB?, MODE_n, MODE_n?, R?, RWS?, RWS_n?, UNITS_n,
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