Important Information
Disposing of your used product
EU-wide legislation as implemented in each Mem-
ber State requires that used electrical and elec-
tronic products carrying the mark (left) must be
disposed of separately from normal household
This includes projectors and their electrical acces-
sories or lamps. When you dispose of such prod-
ucts, please follow the guidance of your local
authority and/or ask the shop where you pur-
chased the product.
After collecting the used products, they are reused
and recycled in a proper way. This effort will help
us reduce the wastes as well as the negative
impact such as mercury contained in a lamp to the
human health and the environment at the mini-
mum level.
The mark on the electrical and electronic products
only applies to the current European Union Mem-
ber States.
For questions relating to unclear points or repairs
Contact your dealer or the following support branch for ques-
tions relating to unclear points, malfunctions and repairs of the
In Europe
Company Name: NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Address: Landshuter Allee 12-14, D-80637 Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49 89 99699 0
Fax Line: +49 89 99699 500
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address: http://www.nec-display-solutions.com
In North America
Company Name: NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
Address: 500 Park Boulevard, Suite 1100 Itasca, Illinois 60143,
Telephone: +1 800 836 0655
Fax Line: +1 800 356 2415
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address: http://www.necdisplay.com/
In China
Company Name: NEC Solutions (China) Co., Ltd.
Rm 1903, Shining Building, 35 Xueyuan Rd,
Haidian District Beijing 100191, P.R.C.
Telephone: +8610-4008-900-678
Email Address: [email protected]
In Hong Kong and Taiwan
Company Name: Strong Westrex, Inc.
Room 4108 China Resources Building, No. 26
Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 2827 8289
Fax Line: +852 2827 5993
Email Address: [email protected]
In South Korea
Company Name: Hyosung ITX Co., Ltd.
1F, Ire Building, 2, Yangpyeong-dong 4-ga,
Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea 150-967
Telephone: +82-2-2102-8591
Fax Line: +82-2-2102-8600
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address: http://www.hyosungitx.com
In Australia and New Zealand
Company Name: NEC Australia Pty Ltd
Address: 26 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Telephone: 131 632 (from anywhere in Australia)
Email Address: [email protected]
WEB Address: http://www.nec.com.au
In Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and
Company Name: Goldenduck International Co., Ltd.
65 Soi Phutthamothon Sai 1, 21 Bangramad,
Talingchan, Bangkok, Thailand 10170
Telephone: +66-2887-8807
Fax Line: +66-2887-8808
Email Address: [email protected]