PN6280_Hardware Design
damp, a reflow soldering or using a hot-air gun maintenance will lead to internal damage, because the
water vapor has the rapid expansion of the burst, causing physical injury to the device, like PCB
foaming and BGA component fail. So customers should refer to the following recommendations.
6.2.1 Module confirmation and moisture
The module in the production and packaging process should be strictly accordance with the humidity
sensitive device operation. The factory packaging is vacuum bag, desiccant, and humidity indicator
card. Please pay attention to the moisture control before SMT and the confirmation of the following
Demand of Baking confirmation
Smart module uses vacuum sealed bag, which can make it stored for 6 months under the condition of
30°C and humidity < 60%. The module should be baked before reflowing soldering if any of the
conditions below happen.
1. Storage exceeds the time limit;
2. Package damages and vacuum bags have air leakage;
3. Humidity indicating card change the color at 10%;
4. Module is placed naked in the air over 168 hours.
5. Module is placed naked in the air under 168 hours but not temp
30°C and humidity < 60%.
Baking condition confirmation
The moisture proof level of the smart module is level 3. And the baking conditions are as follows.
Table 6-2 Baking conditions
Baking conditions
120°C/ 5%RH
40°C/ 5%RH