When the carrier delivers your order, verify that the number of items received equals the number listed on the
freight bill or express receipt.
Inspect the containers for damage. Itemize discrepancies and damage on the waybill and have the agent sign it.
Failure to describe external evidence of loss adequately may result in the carrier refusing to honor your claim. Do
not discard the packing materials until you have verifi ed physical condition and proper operation.
1. Hold on to the handrails, step onto the staircase, stand up straight and the steps will rotate slowly.
2. You should see the “Press to Start” message on the display.
3. Select the MANUAL exercise program so you can control the pace of your first workout and get used to the exercise
motion. Press [MANUAL] and then press [ENTER].
4. The console will prompt you to enter your body weight. Enter your weight in pounds (or kilograms if the console is
set to metric units). Correct entry errors by pressing [CLEAR] before you press [ENTER].
5. The console will prompt you to enter your step rate. Enter your desired step rate from 24 (very easy) to 162 (extremely
difficult). First time users may want to select a low step rate, for example, 24. Correct entry errors by pressing [CLEAR]
before you press [ENTER].
6. The console will prompt you to enter the workout time in 1-minute increments between 5 and 99 minutes. Press [1], [0],
[ENTER] to exercise for 10 minutes. After time is entered, the console will display ENJOY WORKOUT and your program will
begin. If you do not start exercising within 30 seconds, the console will return to the start screen and shut down.
7. When you begin to exercise, the steps will rotate indicating the MANUAL program is starting at the level you selected
during data entry.
8. As you become comfortable with the exercise motion, press [LEVEL^] and [LEVEL:
] to adjust the step rate.
9. Relax, maintain an erect posture, and use handrails for balance. Supporting your weight with the handrails while
exercising decreases the exercise intensity.
10. Before stepping off the K2, have the rotating steps come to a complete stop. Holding onto the handrails carefully
place one foot on the floor and repeat for the other foot.
Installation Notice
The K2 Vertical Climber must be installed correctly before being used. Med-Fit recommends that you contact your dealer or
sales representative when your equipment arrives.
The representative will help unpack, install, and demonstrate how to use the machine to ensure the following:
- Equipment is free from shipping damage
- Installation and operation are in accordance with Med-Fit standards.
Guidelines for getting on and off the K2 Vertical Climber.
Getting Started
To avoid injury, carefully follow the instructions.
WARNING: If you have not been exercising regularly, consult a physician before starting an exercise
program. If you feel any unusual pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath, STOP and consult a physician.