Video Tutorials
The Native Instruments website provides you with a lot of video tutorials that give you a
hands-on approach to many sides of the MASCHINE workflow. To see them, point your fa-
vorite browser to following URL:
Controller Editor Reference Manual
Besides using your MASCHINE hardware controller together with its dedicated MASCHINE
software, you can also use it as a powerful and highly versatile MIDI controller to pilot any
other MIDI-capable application or device. This is made possible by the Controller Editor
software, a little application that allows you to precisely define all MIDI assignments for
your MASCHINE controller. The Controller Editor should have been installed during the
MASCHINE installation procedure. For more info on this, please refer to the Controller Edi-
tor Reference Manual available as a PDF file in the Documentation subfolder of the Con-
troller Editor installation folder on your hard disk.
In This Manual
What you are reading now is the MASCHINE Getting Started Guide Manual. This manual is
structured as follows:
The first part is this introduction.
Chapter 2 quickly introduces you to the MASCHINE hardware and software.
Chapter 3 provides an overview of a MASCHINE project and a description of how
sound content and arrangement elements are linked.
Chapter 4 is the first tutorial, and focused on creating a Pattern — the basic starting
point for a MASCHINE project. You will discover how to use both MASCHINE hard-
ware and software to layout a Pattern with some drums, a bass line and a melody.
This practical example will simplify the learning process and get you quickly started
making beats!
Chapter 5 provides an overview of effects and routing and also contains the second tu-
torial focused on adding effects to the Pattern you created in chapter 4.
Chapter 6 describes the Input Module and more advanced routing options.
Chapter 7 shows you how to arrange your patterns and develop them into a song using
the arranger.
Chapter 8 describes how to use your soundcard and MASCHINE software to sample in-
ternal and external audio.
Welcome to MASCHINE!
The MASCHINE Documentation
MASCHINE - Getting Started - 11