11.0 Functional Description
Baseband and Lower Link control functions are implemented
using a combination of National Semiconductor’s Com-
pactRISC 16-bit processor and the Bluetooth Lower Link
Controller. These processors operate from integrated ROM
memory and RAM and execute on-board firmware imple-
menting all Bluetooth functions.
11.1.1 Bluetooth Lower Link Controller
The integrated Bluetooth Lower Link Controller (LLC) com-
plies with the Bluetooth Specification version 2.0 and imple-
ments the following functions:
Adaptive Frequency Hopping
Interlaced Scanning
Fast Connect
Support for 1, 3, and 5 slot packet types
79 Channel hop frequency generation circuitry
Fast frequency hopping at 1600 hops per second
Power management control
Access code correlation and slot timing recovery
11.1.2 Bluetooth Upper Layer Stack
The integrated upper layer stack is prequalified and includes
the following protocol layers:
11.1.3 Profile Support
The on-chip application of the LMX9838 allows full stand-
alone operation, without any Bluetooth protocol layer neces-
sary outside the module. It supports the Generic Access
Profile (GAP), the Service Discovery Application Profile
(SDAP), and the Serial Port Profile (SPP).
The on-chip profiles can be used as interfaces to additional
profiles executed on the host. The LMX9838 includes a con-
figurable service database to answer requests with the pro-
files supported.
11.1.4 Application With Command Interface
The module supports automatic slave operation eliminating
the need for an external control unit. The implemented trans-
parent option enables the chip to handle incoming data raw,
without the need for packaging in a special format. The device
uses a pin to block unallowed connections. This pincode can
be fixed or dynamically set.
Acting as master, the application offers a simple but versatile
command interface for standard Bluetooth operation like in-
quiry, service discovery, or serial port connection. The
firmware supports up to seven slaves. Default Link Policy set-
tings and a specific master mode allow optimized configura-
tion for the application specific requirements. See Sec-
tion 14.0 Integrated Firmware.
11.1.5 Memory
The LMX9838 introduces 16 kB of combined system and
Patch RAM memory that can be used for data and/or code
upgrades of the ROM based firmware. Due to the flexible
startup used for the LMX9838 operating parameters like the
Bluetooth Device Address (BD_ADDR) are defined during
boot time. This allows reading out the parameters of an inter-
nal EEPROM or programming them directly over UART.
The LMX9838 provides one Universal Asynchronous Receiv-
er Transmitter (UART). The UART interface consists out of
Receive (RX), Transmit (TX), Ready-to-Send (RTS) and
Clear-to-Send signals. RTS and CTS are used for hardware
handshaking between the host and the LMX9838. Since the
LMX9838 acts as gateway between the bluetooth and the
UART interface, National Semiconductor recommends to use
the handshaking signals especially for transparent operation.
In case two signals are used CTS needs to be pulled to GND.
Please refer also to "LMX9838 Software User’s Guide" for
detailed information on 2-wire operation.
The UART interface supports formats of 8-bit data with or
without parity, with one or two stop bits. It can operate at
standard baud rates from 2400bits/s up to a maximum baud
rate of 921.6kbits/s. DMA transfers are supported to allow for
fast processor independent receive and transmit operation.
The UART baudrate is configured during startup by checking
option pins OP3, OP4 and OP5. Table 7 gives the correspon-
dence between the OP pins settings and the UART speed.
The UART offers wakeup from the power save modes via the
multi-input wakeup module. When the LMX9838 is in low
power mode, RTS# and CTS# can function as Host_WakeUp
and Bluetooth_WakeUp respectively. Table 6 represents the
operational modes supported by the firmware for implement-
ing the transport via the UART.
TABLE 6. UART Operation Modes
Default at Power-Up
Baud Rate
2.4 to 921.6 kbits/s
Either configured by option pins, NVS
Flow Control
RTS#/CTS# or None
Odd, Even, None
Stop Bits
Data Bits