12.0 Power Up
The LMX9838 contains an internal EEPROM initialized during
power up or hardware reset. During this initialization phase it
is recommended not to:
Send a command to the LMX9838: The command will be
Power OFF/ON the LMX9838: The EEPROM initialization
phase will be interrupted and the EEPROM will not be
recognized which leaves the device in a lockup situation.
Issue a Hardware Reset: The EEPROM initialization
phase will be interrupted and the EEPROM will not be
recognized which leaves the device in a lockup situation.
Once the initialization phase is completed the module sends
the “SimplyBlue Ready Event” (refer to the LMX9838 Soft-
ware User's Guide, AN-1699) to declare its fully functional
It is therefore recommended to wait for the “SimplyBlue
Ready Event” message before stating using the LM9838 by
sending a command or issuing a Reset or Power On cycle.
FIGURE 3. LMX9838 Power-up Sequence