Section 15- Calibration Check
15. Calibration Check
The Calibration Check is found within the Utilities and Diagnostics module and is accessed through the Main Menu. It is
used to confirm that both pathlengths are within calibration specifications.
A vial of CF-1 is required to run the calibration check procedure. CF-1 is an aqueous potassium dichromate (K Cr O )
solution for use in confirming calibration of NanoDrop Spectrophotometers. It is roughly ten times more concentrated
than other commercially available K Cr O solutions used to confirm calibration of standard spectrophotometers and is
available through NanoDrop technologies or your local distributor.
Ensure the measurement pedestals are clean and that a 1ul water sample “beads” up on the lower pedestal.
1.) Open the ND-1000 Calibration Check Software and follow the prompts in the Customer Guidance text box of the
2.) Enter the Target Absorbance found on the CF-1 vial as directed in the image below, Typically the target
absorbance is 0.734; the actual value will depend on the lot of CF-1.
3.) Add 1ul of deionized water and select “Blank”.
4.) Before opening the ampoule of CF-1 Calibration Fluid, shake vigorously to ensure solution is thoroughly mixed.
Ensure all solution is collected in the bottom portion of the ampoule.
5.) Carefully break the neck of the ampoule to open the CF-1 Calibration Fluid.
6.) Follow the on-screen prompts in the Customer Guidance text box. Using individual 1ul aliquots of the CF-1
Calibration Fluid, measure 10 replicates. After the 10
measurement, the calibration check results will be
displayed on-screen in the Customer Guidance text box.
7.) If the instrument does not pass the calibration check using 1ul samples, immediately repeat the procedure again
(step 6) using 2ul samples.
To print a copy of the results for your records, click the “Print Screen” button. A .JPG of the final results is
automatically archived on the hard drive at:
C:\NanoDrop Data\Calib check
If recalibration is required, please contact NanoDrop Technologies @ 302-479-7707 or send at email to