Ethernet LAN Adapter
prompt for informalion as appropriate, including the
number, inlerrupt number, and memory ad-
dress used by the LNE390 to be installed.
After installation. it will be necessary to reboot-strap
the system. When the system is next loaded.
device drivers will be active and ready
Implementation Notes
The LNE390
device driver. as Installed by
LANMAN SETUP program, is located a
assigned directory. Assuming that the
d i r e c t o r y f o r t h e L A N M A N i n s t a l l a t i o n
the LNE390 driver directory is:
In this directory there are two files,
depending on
which operating system is used. In addition, there
file called
in the directory.
file is a text file that
information on the location, name, and type
driver to be installed.
file contains the configuration
parameters for the driver to use on system start-up
This file can be manually edited if, for any reason,
it is incorrect or the actual hardware
has changed.
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