Section 75
04-06-11 -
32 -
5. Use the Down Arrow to move to the First Stop day and time screen. The default is OFF.
Press the Right and Left arrows to select a day of the week.
6. Press the UP and DOWN arrows to select a time.
7. Press Enter to save. Repeat for start/stop times 2 and 3 if needed.
Alternate Signal Polarities for the Digital Inputs
Most applications will require that ground be applied as the signal that an input is active. The
standard iGUARD connection diagrams show this type of connection. However, some
applications either require or are much easier to implement using a poV battery signal
to indicate the input is active.
If terminal 9 is tied to the +V battery, applying ground to terminal 1 will activate the input
(DEFAULT METHOD). If terminal 9 is tied to ground, apV battery to terminal 1 will
activate the input.
Inputs 9 - 24 are ganged together. They have a common that may be tied high to give
ground active
operation, or tied to ground to give
+V Battery active
/ Discontinued