Section 75
04-06-11 -
23 -
6. Low Fuel Level (warning)
- When active, system indicates "low fuel level" alarm and closes
the alarm contacts, but does not shutdown.
7. Fuel Leak
- When active, indicates a fuel leak in the fuel containment basin, and causes an
immediate shutdown.
8. Fuel Filter Restriction
- When active, indicates fuel filter restriction and will shutdown if
running or will not start.
9. Air Damper Closed
- When active, indicates that the air shutdown damper is closed and
the system will not start. An input programmed for this function causes an immediate shutdown
if it becomes active when the system is running.
10. Air Filter Restriction
- When active, indicates air filter restriction warning.
11. Low Lube Oil Level
- Will cause immediate shutdown as well as inhibit starting when
12. Battery Charger Fail
- When active displays a warning.
13. Low Coolant Level
- Will cause immediate shutdown as well as inhibit starting when
14. Emergency Stop N/O
- Grounding this input will cause an immediate shutdown and
lockout with a message of "Emergency Stop". System will not start until this is cleared.
15. Emergency Stop N/C
- Removing ground from this input causes an immediate shutdown
and lockout with a message of "Emergency Stop". System will not start until this is cleared.
16. Oil Filter Restriction
- When active, gives an oil filter flow is restricted warning.
17 - 22. Gen Config 1 - 6
- Used to set up the parameters for reconnectable gensets. There
are 6 genset profiles. If no profiles are selected, the controller will show profile #1 by default. If
more than one are selected the controller will show profile #1.
23 - 31. User 1 - 24
- There are up to 24 user-defined digital-inputs. Each can have a user
defined label that is displayed when active, and action that occurs when active. (Set up for
these inputs is done with the iGCON software tool).
32. Remote Auto/Manual Select
- When Auto is active, it causes the unit to go into automatic
mode. When Manual is active, it causes the unit to go into manual mode.
33. Idle Engine
- When active, it disables all shutdown faults except Overspeed/Over
34. Remote Up Key
- Functions the same as the front panel key, except using a digital input.
35. Remote Down Key
- Functions the same as the front panel key, except using a digital
/ Discontinued