After selecting the criteria for the scheduled event, click the “Submit” button to create the scheduled event. The
Scheduled event will appear under “Schedules” on the Scheduling page. The name of the event will be listed, as well
as when the event will occur. In this example, Outlet 1 will be reset at 12:00PM (EST) on Feb 3
. This example se-
lected “Every Sunday” for when to occur and this event will automatically update the date shown for the next reoccur-
ring event.
Editing Schedules:
Each of the created scheduled events listed on the Scheduling page can be modify using the “Edit” button for each re-
spective schedule. After clicking this button, the user will return to an “Edit Schedule” screen, where the schedule cri-
teria may be modified. Be sure to click “Submit” to save the changes made.