Page 40 MSI-3750CS-5 RF Weighmeter • User Guide
Statistics are accessed in either of two ways: 1) Program a Function Key to be “STATS”. Unlike the 3750 standard
meter, the 3750CS is incapable of displaying the statistics registers on its LCD. Pushing an F key programmed
for the “STATS” function causes an immediate printout of all the statistics to the 3750CS Comm Port. 2) The
statistic registers can be accessed with a computer or terminal through an RS-232 either connected to the 3750CS
or to the CellScale using host commands.
Definitions and Formulas
AVERAGE – is computed by dividing the total by the number of samples.
MIN – is a single weight register that records the minimum weighment that was added to the total.
MAX– is a single weight register that records the maximum weighment that was added to the total.
STANDARD DEVIATION – is a measure of how widely values are dispersed from the average value (the
mean). The 3750CS uses the “non-biased” or “n-1” method that is based on sampling a portion of each available
weighment. Standard Deviation uses the following formula where x is equal to the total, and n is equal to the
number of samples:
COEFFICIENT OF VARIANCE – is a relative dispersion calculated from the sample standard deviation and the
mean with the following formula:
GRAND TOTAL – is computed by adding together the totals of all the ID Codes (adjusted to the default unit set
in calibration if necessary).
GRAND AVERAGE – is computed by dividing the Grand Total by the number of samples of all the ID Codes.
To Print the Statistics Registers (All active IDs)
This procedure assumes a Function key is programmed to “STATS”.
1) Push STATS (the F key programmed to Stats).
2) The display indicates Printing.
1) Push GRAND TOTAL. Displayed is the Grand Total
obtained by adding the totals of all ID Codes.
2) (Optional) Push PRINT. The Grand Total and Grand
# of samples will output to CommPort 1.
To Display and Print the Grand Total (All active IDs)
This procedure assumes a Function key is programmed to “GRAND TOTAL”.