Operating manual
Page 38
Table 27 – CL № 1. Visual check of the Product
To be done
Man-hours per
1 Product
Visually examine
the Product
1 check completeness and appearance of the Product;
mechanical damage, paint defects must be absent;
marking plates shall be present; legends are to be read
2 clean up the Product surfaces with clean cloth;
3 remove severe contamination, parts of corrosion, oil
from the metal surfaces - using soap foam, avoiding
its penetration inside the Product, then clean the sur-
face with clean cloth and dry up;
from the screen – using alcohol-soaked cloth; use of
hard cloth, paper, cleaning agent for glass or chemi-
cals is prohibited; while cleaning the screen do not
push hard on the surface and do not spray the liquid
directly onto the screen;
4 If varnish paint coating is damaged, polish it with
sand paper, then clean with alcohol-soaked cloth,
cover with varnish and dry up
1 person
5 minutes
Check reliability of
cable and bus con-
nection to the
1 check that connectors and attaching screws are
fastened tight; provide further fastening if needed.
2 check the cable integrity (mechanical damage shall
be absent) within visibility
1 person
5 minutes
Table 28 – CL № 2. Completeness check, SPTA kit condition and operational documen-
To be done
Man-hours per
1 Product
Check the presence
of operational doc-
umentation and
SPTA kit from the
scope of supply
1 check the compliance of SPTA kit and operational
documentation with those listed in Scope of supply
of the Product’s certificate;
2 check the quality of each item of SPTA kit, storage
time and re-composition of SPTA kit in case of use;
3 provide SPTA kit re-composition
1 person
10 minutes