Universal digital repeater
If set values of permissible parameters are exceeded, warning pop-up messages
appear on the screen, see Figure 13, represented in Table 11.
Table 11 – Pop-up warning messages
Alarm type
General alarms
«System failure»;
«Power failure»;
«No data from inclinometer»
Warning of critical roll
«Critical roll on the starboard»;
«Critical roll on the port»;
«Heel angle warning»
Warning of critical pitch
«Critical pitch on the bow»;
«Critical pitch at the stern»
Warning of critical level of the heave
«Critical level of the heave»;
Warning of vessel speed change respective of
provided settings
«Water speed»;
«Ground speed»;
«in the range»;
«out of range».
Warning of water/air temperature
«Air temperature»;
«Water temperature»;
«in the range»;
«out of range».
Warning of depth change respective of pro-
vided settings
«Depth from surface»;
«Depth sensor»;
«Depth from keel»;
«in the range»; Inside
«out of range» outside