Universal digital repeater
This operating manual (hereinafter referred to as the OM) covers the
Universal digital repeater DR-209M (hereinafter referred to as the Repeater or the Prod-
The OM is intended to describe operating principles, technical specifications and
rules for the safe Product operation.
In addition to the instructions given in this document, the safety regulations and
rules applicable in the field shall be observed.
Only those who have had general education in the area of electronic devices, and
those who have read and understood this document shall be permitted to operate with the
Terms and abbreviations:
GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System;
NMEA – textual communication protocol NMEA 0183;
LCD – liquid crystal display;
SPTA – spare parts, tools and accessories;
OS – operating system;
S – software;
OM – operating manual;
TS – technical service;
CL – check list.