PT-7828 User’s Manual
Featured Functions
OSPF Virtual Link Table
Shows the current OSPF virtual link table.
OSPF Area Aggregation Settings
Each of OSPF areas which consist of a set of interconnected subnets and traffic across areas is
handled by routers attached to two or more areas, known as Area Border Routers (ABRs). With
OSPF aggregation function, users can combine groups of routes with common addresses into a
single routing table entry. The function is used to reduce the size of routing tables.
OSPF Aggregation Entry
Configuration details
Factory Default
Area ID
Select the Area ID that you want to configure.
Network Address Fill in the network address in the area.
Network Mask
Fill in the network mask.
OSPF Aggregation Entry
Shows the current OSPF aggregation table.
OSPF Neighbor Table
Shows the current OSPF database table.