Operating Manual
motrona GmbH, Zeppelinstraße 16, DE - 78244 Gottmadingen, Tel. +49 (0) 7731 9332-0, Fax +49 (0) 7731 9332-30
, [email protected], www.motrona.com
BY340 / BY641
High performance low cost synchronous controllers for one slave axis
Product Features:
Precision angular synchronization and speed ratio control
High accuracy due to high feedback frequency range
(300 kHz with TTL encoders and 200 kHz with HTL encoders)
Full remote phase control by Index pulse operation, Trim functions etc.
Four programmable alert outputs
Most compact unit including operator panel for direct
access and RS232 interface for remote access
PROFIBUS DP interface available (option)
Analog output, configurable for voltage or current operation
24 VAC / 17 … 40 VDC power supply
Available Devices:
BY340: Synchronizer with speed ratio setting by keypad,
14 bit analog output and 4 power transistor outputs for alerts
BY641: Synchronizer with features like BY340, but additional front
thumbwheel switches for speed ratio and 4 relay outputs for alerts